A tunnel manager for docker services
This tool utilizes tun.sh as its tunnel provider. You can self-host sish as well.
tunmgr automatically set's up tunnels for docker services. It utilizes Exposed
'd ports as well as DNSNames
(and the container name/id) to setup different permutations of tunnels.
You can also disable the docker based system by setting -docker-events=false
. Doing this would then only setup tunnels set with a -tunnel
setting, following the same syntax as ssh -R
Usage of tunmgr:
-command string
The command to run for the remote session
Whether or not to use docker events for setting up tunnels (default true)
-local-tunnel value
Tunnel to initialize on setup. Can be provided multiple times, in the format of a -L tunnel for SSH.
-log-level string
Log level to set for the logger. Can be debug, warn, error, or info (default "info")
-networks string
A comma separated list of networks to listen to events for
Whether or not to only use docker labels for setting up tunnels
-remote-host string
The remote host to connect to in the format of host:port (default "tuns.sh")
-remote-hostname string
The remote hostname to verify the host key (default "tuns.sh")
-remote-key-location string
The location on the filesystem of where to access the ssh key (default "/key")
-remote-key-passphrase string
The passphrase for an encrypted ssh key
Whether or not to print logs from the remote tunnels (default true)
-remote-user string
The remote user to connect as
-tunnel value
Tunnel to initialize on setup. Can be provided multiple times, in the format of a -R tunnel for SSH.
image: ghcr.io/picosh/tunmgr:latest
restart: always
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
- $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519_pico_antonio:/key:ro
# ports: # Ports map for local tunnels like below
# - 8000:8000
# command: | # Provide other commands below
# -only-labels=true
# -local-tunnel=
test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:8080/health"]
interval: 2s
timeout: 5s
retries: 5
start_period: 1s
image: kennethreitz/httpbin
condition: service_healthy
# labels: # or provide tunnel names and ports explicitly
# tunmgr.names: httpbin # Comma separated list of names. Can be an empty. If empty, allows for tcp forward (or random name).
# tunmgr.ports: 8000:80,80:80 # Comma separated list of port maps. (remote:local). First is alias, second is http.
command: gunicorn -b httpbin:app -k gevent --access-logfile -
Auto tunnels will be established for:
- https://antonio-ce37a3511391.tuns.sh
- https://antonio-httpbin.tuns.sh
- https://antonio-tunmgr-httpbin-1.tuns.sh
See also the examples
folder of this repo.