Send faxes with Phaxio.
If you haven't already, install the latest version of CocoaPods
Add this line to your
:pod 'Phaxio'
pod install
Don't forget to use
to open your project in Xcode
If you haven't alrady, install the latest version of Carthage
Add this line to your
:github "phaxio/phaxio-ios"
Follow the Carthage installation instructions
####Dynamic Framework
Head to our GitHub releases page and download and unzip
Drag Phaxio.framework to the "Embedded Binaries" section of your Xcode project's "General" settings and be sure to select "Copy items if needed"
Head to the "Build Phases" section of your Xcode project settings, and create a new "Run Script Build Phase". Paste the followoing snippet into the text field:
####Static Framework
Head to our GitHub releases page and download and unzip
In Xcode, with your project open, click on "File" then "Add files to Project..."
Select Phaxio.framework in the directory you just unzipped.
Make sure "Copy items if needed" is checked.
Click "Add."
In Xcode, click on "File", then "Add files to Project...".
Select Phaxio.bundle, located within Phaxio.framework.
Make sure "Copy items if needed" is checked.
Click "Add".
Sets the key and secret for Phaxio.
[PhaxioAPI setAPIKey:@"thisisthekey" andSecret:@"thisisthesecret"];
Nick Schulze ([email protected]).
This project is UNLICENSED and not endorsed by or affiliated with Phaxio.