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BIR1 - GUS REGON client to official database of polish companies


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BIR1 - GUS REGON client

Simple node.js client library to provide information about authorized government administration authorities, regional authorities, government institutions and to commercial entities. It connects to REGON service and returns data in JSON format. Data returned from original SOAP messages are parsed to JSON. By default the following rules apply:

  • the structure of the original SOAP messages are preserved (see original messages in documentation)
  • keys are left intact (GUS use mix of snake_case and camelCase)
  • values are converted to strings. Empty values are left as empty strings

Why BIR1 was choosen as package name? BIR1 (polish: "Baza Internetowa REGON") is an internal name of the API service maintained by GUS.

Implementation follows good practices of modern node.js. It is ESM module written in TypeScript with carefully crafted type definitions. Enjoy!


npm install bir1

Quick start

import Bir from 'bir1'

const bir = new Bir()
console.log(await{ nip: '5261040567' }))
// output:
// {
// Regon: '012100784',
// Nip: '5260250995',
// StatusNip: '',
// Wojewodztwo: 'MAZOWIECKIE',
// Powiat: 'm. st. Warszawa',
// Gmina: 'Ochota',
// Miejscowosc: 'Warszawa',
// KodPocztowy: '02-326',
//   ...
// }

See more examples here.


Class: Bir

Class Bir provides access to REGON API


new Bir(options?): Bir

Create a new Bir instance.


  • options?: Object - options object
  • options.key?: string - API key. If this is not provided, the internally stored public API key is used to access non-production GUS database. It allows quick start, however non-production database contains old and anonymized data. Providing GUS provided key connects to the production database.
  • options.normalizeFn?: (obj: any) => any Function to modify response to a more convenient format. Every JSON object extracted from SOAP message is passed to this function. It should return modified object. E.g. it is possible provide a function to to convert keys to camelCase or convert some values to numbers.


login(): Promise<void>

Login to the API (method: Zaloguj)

This method uses the key provided in the constructor to login to the API. After successful login, the session id (sid) is stored in class instance and used in subsequent requests.

Starting from version 3.0 calling this method is optional as it is called automatically.

value(value): Promise<string>

Get diagnostic information (method: GetValue)


  • value - value to retrieve. One of:
    • StanDanych
    • KomunikatKod
    • KomunikatTresc
    • StatusSesji
    • StatusUslugi
    • KomunikatUslugi

search(query): Promise<any>

Search (method: DaneSzukajPodmioty). Returns basic information about entity.


  • query: Object - search query param. One of:
    • query.nip: string - NIP number
    • query.regon: string - REGON number
    • query.krs: string - KRS number


import Bir from 'bir1'

const bir = new Bir()
console.log(await{ nip: '5261040567' }))

report(query): Promise<any>

Retrive report (method: DanePobierzPelnyRaport). Returns more detailed information about entity depending on report type.


  • query: Object
  • query.regon: string - REGON number
  • - report name. One of:
    • PublDaneRaportFizycznaOsoba
    • PublDaneRaportDzialalnoscFizycznejCeidg
    • PublDaneRaportDzialalnoscFizycznejRolnicza
    • PublDaneRaportDzialalnoscFizycznejPozostala
    • PublDaneRaportDzialalnoscFizycznejWKrupgn
    • PublDaneRaportDzialalnosciFizycznej
    • PublDaneRaportLokalneFizycznej
    • PublDaneRaportLokalnaFizycznej
    • PublDaneRaportDzialalnosciLokalnejFizycznej
    • PublDaneRaportPrawna
    • PublDaneRaportDzialalnosciPrawnej
    • PublDaneRaportLokalnePrawnej
    • PublDaneRaportLokalnaPrawnej
    • PublDaneRaportDzialalnosciLokalnejPrawnej
    • PublDaneRaportWspolnicyPrawnej
    • PublDaneRaportTypJednostki
    • BIR11OsFizycznaDaneOgolne
    • BIR11OsFizycznaDzialalnoscCeidg
    • BIR11OsFizycznaDzialalnoscRolnicza
    • BIR11OsFizycznaDzialalnoscPozostala
    • BIR11OsFizycznaDzialalnoscSkreslonaDo20141108
    • BIR11OsFizycznaPkd
    • BIR11OsFizycznaListaJednLokalnych
    • BIR11JednLokalnaOsFizycznej
    • BIR11JednLokalnaOsFizycznejPkd
    • BIR11OsPrawna
    • BIR11OsPrawnaPkd
    • BIR11OsPrawnaListaJednLokalnych
    • BIR11JednLokalnaOsPrawnej
    • BIR11JednLokalnaOsPrawnejPkd
    • BIR11OsPrawnaSpCywilnaWspolnicy
    • BIR11TypPodmiotu


import Bir from 'bir1'

const bir = new Bir()
  await{ regon: '012100784', report: 'PublDaneRaportPrawna' })

summary(query): Promise<any>

Retrive summary report (method: DanePobierzRaportZbiorczy). Returns summary of changes in database.


  • query: Object
  • string - date in format YYYY-MM-DD not earlier than week before
  • - report name. One of:
    • BIR11NowePodmiotyPrawneOrazDzialalnosciOsFizycznych
    • BIR11AktualizowanePodmiotyPrawneOrazDzialalnosciOsFizycznych
    • BIR11SkreslonePodmiotyPrawneOrazDzialalnosciOsFizycznych
    • BIR11NoweJednostkiLokalne
    • BIR11AktualizowaneJednostkiLokalne
    • BIR11SkresloneJednostkiLokalne

logout(): Promise<void>

Logout (method: Wyloguj)


By default this library returns data in the same format as it is returned in orginal SOAP messages.

Take a look at the following example showing default behavior:

import Bir from 'bir1'
const bir = new Bir()
    regon: '010058960',
    report: 'BIR11OsPrawna',
// output:
// {
//   praw_regon9: '010058960',
//   praw_nip: '5220002334',
//   praw_statusNip: '',
//   praw_nazwaSkrocona: '',
//   ...
// }

In above output keys have unnecessary prefix praw_. There is incosistent casing, etc... Then in order to make it cleaner it is possible to provide a function to normalize the response:

import Bir from 'bir1'
import { modern } from 'bir1/normalize'
const bir = new Bir({ normalizeFn: modern })
    regon: '010058960',
    report: 'BIR11OsPrawna',
// output:
// {
//   regon: '010058960',
//   nip: '5220002334',
//   statusNip: undefined,
//   nazwaSkrocona: undefined,
//   ...
// }

Currently there are two normalization functions provided:

  • legacy - to preserve the old behavior. Don't use it unless want to provide backward compatibility with previous versions of the library. It does the following:
    • removes 'praw_' prefix from keys
    • lower first letter of keys
    • replaces empty strings with undefined
  • modern - to convert to modern format in consistent way. It does the following:
    • remove prefixes from keys (e.g. fiz_, praw_, ...)
    • lower camel case keys
    • unifies some keys (e.g. regon9 -> regon)
    • replaces empty strings with undefined

Using above functions is completely optional. It is also possible to provide own function which takes JSON object and returns modified.

Migrating from version 2.x to 3.x

Please note that starting from version 3.0 of that library the following breaking changes were introduced:

  1. the library is now pure ESM module (previously CJS)

  2. the keys and values are returned 'as is' (previously they were processed)

    • the keys are left intact (previously they were lowercased and a bit trimmed)
    • the empty values are now returned as empty strings (previously they were returned as undefined)

    See further details in the source code of legacy normalize function. This function can be used to preserve the old behavior as shown in the example.