wemake-python-styleguide, but lighter.
This project is not maintained. The author now uses Ruff insteaf of Flake8 and plugins.
pip install wps-light
This project is simply a fork of wemake-python-styleguide, without these flake8 plugins dependencies:
- flake8-commas
- flake8-quotes
- flake8-comprehensions
- flake8-docstrings
- flake8-string-format
- flake8-bugbear
- flake8-debugger
- flake8-isort
- flake8-eradicate
- flake8-bandit
- flake8-broken-line
- flake8-rst-docstrings
- pep8-naming
- darglint
Please refer to wemake-python-styleguide's documentation.