Blurb is an API wrapper (written in Ruby and packaged as a Gem) for the Amazon Advertising API. The Amazon Ad API lets you tie in programmatically to Amazon's Advertising Service. More info can be found at Amazon Advertising
Version 0.2.0 has been updated to use v2.0 of the Amazon Advertising API.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'blurb'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install blurb
Getting setup to make calls to the Amazon Advertising API can unfortunately be a tedious process. You will need to apply for and have a valid Amazon Advertising Account. You can find that info here: Amazon Advertising
You may also want to get a copy of the advertising docs and getting started guides which can be found here:
Once you have an account you will be assigned a "client_id" and a "client_secret".
Next you will need to obtain an authorization code from the Amazon API. You can do that by making a browser request to the following URL: &scope=cpc_advertising:campaign_management&response_type=code&redirect_uri=YOUR_RETURN_URL
Enter your client ID in the URL and a valid website as the return URL. Amazon will direct you to login. Login with your advertising credentials. You will then be redirected back to your provided URL. NOTICE that you will have an authorization code listed on the return URL. YOU NEED THIS code to now obtain your refresh token.
Once you have your authorization code, you can obtain your first access token and refresh token. Do that by making a curl call to the following:
curl \
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" \
--data "grant_type=authorization_code&code=AUTH_CODE&redirect_uri=YOUR_RETURN_URL&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&client_secret=YOUR_SECRET_KEY" \
The response should return a JSON payload. Find the "refresh token" and save it's value.
You will need this token to make repeated API calls. The refresh token is tied to your account
and won't change as long as your account is valid and hasn't changed.
The Blurb API wrapper will then use the refresh token to make OAUTH calls to get a valid access token and call the API with the appropriate bearer token headers setup.
The last piece you need to obtain before you can be on your way to using the API is the profile. The profile scopes you to certain features and you can have multiple profiles setup for your account.
You can find your profiles by making the following Blurb call.
Blurb.client_id = "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>"
Blurb.client_secret = "<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>"
Blurb.refresh_token = "<YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN>"
This will return a JSON payload of profile information for your account. You can then select the profile ID you want to use.
When creating a new resource object, you may pass in a hash containing your api keys and tokens. Utilizing this approach allows you to dynamically toggle accounts and or regions with you application.
authorization_hash = {
client_id: 'my_client_id',
profile_id: 'my_profile_id',
client_secret: 'client_secret',
refresh_token: 'refresh_token',
region: 'my_region'
blurb_instance =
If you only plan on using Blurb for one api account and region you can setup the Amazon API keys and tokens in an initializer script. Create a file called config/initializers/blurb.rb and setup the following values
Blurb.profile_id = ENV["YOUR_PROFILE_ID_VAR"]
Blurb.client_id = ENV["YOUR_CLIENT_ID_VAR"]
Blurb.client_secret = ENV["YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_VAR"]
Blurb.refresh_token = ENV["YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN_VAR"]
Blurb.region = ENV["YOUR_REGION_VAR"]
Now, you no longer need to pass in an authorization hash when initializing the resource object.
blurb_instance =
Region Code | Region | Notes |
TEST | Sandbox Environment | All marketplaces |
NA | North America | Covers US and CA marketplaces |
EU | Europe | Covers UK, FR, IT, ES, and DE marketplaces |
FE | Far East | Cover JP and AU marketplaces |
All API calls have been setup as closely as possible to REST Resource calls. All you need to do is instantiate a resource object and make a method call on it and Blurb will do the rest.
For example, to use the keywords resource object:
blurb_instance =
In calls that require 'campaign_type' as a parameter, you must pass in either 'sp' for sponsored products or 'hsa' for sponsored brands (formerly known as headline search ads).
NOTE: Not all API endpoints are currently supported by Blurb. Over time we will get more endpoints added. In the mean time you are always welcome to submit a pull request.
List account profiles
campaign_instance =
List campaigns
Note that the extended call returns the complete set of campaign fields (including serving status and other read-only fields), but is less efficient.
Get a campaign
campaign_instance.retrieve(campaign_id, campaign_type)
campaign_instance.retrieve_extended(campaign_id, campaign_type)
Note that the extended call returns the complete set of campaign fields (including serving status and other read-only fields), but is less efficient.
Create a campaign
campaign_instance.create(campaign_type, {
"name" => "test",
"state" => "enabled",
"dailyBudget" => 10,
"startDate" => ('%Y%m%d'),
"targetingType" => "abc"
Note: Sponsored Brands cannot be created through the Amazon Advertising API and must be added through the user interface. The create call only works for Sponsored Products.
keyword_instance =
List keywords
Get a keyword
keyword_instance.retrieve(campaign_id, campaign_type)
keyword_instance.retrieve_extended(campaign_id, campaign_type)
Create a keyword
keyword_instance.create(campaign_type, {
"campaignId" => "1234",
"adGroupId" => "5678",
"keywordText" => 'keyword',
"matchType" => 'broad',
"state" => "enabled"
"bid" => 0.1
Bulk update keywords
updates = [
"keywordId" => "1234",
"bid" => 0.1
"keywordId" => "2345",
"bid" => 0.3
keyword_instance.update(campaign_type, updates)
report_instance =
Request a report
payload_response = report_instance.create({
"campaignType" => Blurb::Report::SPONSORED_PRODUCTS,
"recordType" => Blurb::Report::KEYWORDS,
"reportDate" => ( - 2592000).strftime('%Y%m%d'),
"metrics" => "impressions,clicks"
If no metrics are included in the request, blurb will request all available metrics available for the given campaign type and report type.
Report record types are
Campaign types are
Check report status
Download report file content
snapshot_instance =
Request a snapshot
payload_response = snapshot_instance.create({
"recordType" => Blurb::Snapshot::KEYWORDS,
"campaignType" => Blurb::Snapshot::SPONSORED_PRODUCTS,
"stateFilter" => "enabled,paused,archived"
Report record types are
Campaign types are
Check snapshot status
Download snapshot file content
suggested_keyword_instance =
Suggestions by ASIN
"asinValue" => "B0006HUJJO"
Suggestions for a list of ASIN's
"asins" => ["B0006HUJJO","B0042SWOHI"]
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
In order to run the rspec test suite, you will need the following variables in a .env file:
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.