VŠB Website: https://www.vsb.cz/cs/ Repository for projects from programming subjects. This repository contains laboratories and homeworks. 1. semester FPR - Functional Programming UPR - Introduction to Programming ZDS - Basics of digital systems 2. semester ALG - Algorithms APPS - Architecture of computer and paralel systems OOP - Object Oriented Programming 3. semester C# - CSharp ALG2 - Algorithms 2 RUST POS - Computer Networks DS1 - Database Systems 1 UASS - Introduction into social networks 4. semester C#2 - CSharp 2 SKJ - Scripting Languages (Python) TAMZ - Creation of mobile APPS URO - User Interfaces 5. semester VIA - Development of Web Applications SPR - Programming Seminar ZPG - Introduction to Computer Graphics TAMZII - Creation of mobile APPS II OSY - Operating Systems ZSU - Basics of Computer Learning