This Web Server was created as project for subject "Programming in C++" at VSB-TUO University
- HTTP Request parsing
- Sending HTTP response
- Completly working "dev" server
- CMD line arguments: --dev, --host, --port
- Serving multiple users at once (multithreading)
> ./main --help
Tondík Web Server
Argument types:
-name value
Argument list:
--help - shows this help
Dev mode:
--dev - start server in dev mode
--host - start dev server on interface
--port=8080 - start dev server on specific port
--path=/path/to/folder - server files in specified folder
Server mode:
--path=/etc/tondik - path to config folder
Used to serve only one folder. By default started on on port 8080 and it will be serving ./ folder.
- --dev - start dev mode
- --host - start on
- --port=1234 - change port
- --path=/path/to/folder - change folder
Used to serve multiple folders based on domains/subdomains/hostnames.
- On default port 80:
sudo ./main
Port can by changed in config file, default ./main.ini
./main --path=/path/to/config/folder
- key=value - set value to key
- ;comment - single line comments
- [section] - section, keys under this section will be: section.key, section will be ended when another section starts
- array[]=value - add value to array
- if something is before comment, then it isn't threated as comment, so: mime_types[]=test,text/plain; charset=UTF-8 will be treated as new item to mime_type array with value "test,text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
;directory, where domain configs will be located
;if local=false, server is started on, if local=true then server is started on (optional) - default value false
;custom response headers (optional) - array of strings
headers[]=Server: SuperWebServer
headers[]=Header: CustomHeaderValue
;custom mime types (optional) - array of strings
;format: "extension,mime_type"
; default root folder if no domain is found
; default index file if no domain is found (optional), because it will use index.html by default
- serving specific folder root=/var/www/ ; default index will be index.html, but can be changed by this option index=index.htm ; access_log and error_log is optional and will be inherited from main config ; but when specifying custom paths fro access and error log, both must be set ; otherwise single option will be ignored access_log=/var/log/webserver/ error_log=/var/log/webserver/
- proxy pass (reverse proxy) reverse_proxy=localhost:8080 access_log=/var/log/webserver/ error_log=/var/log/webserver/
- support only static files (html,css,js,videos,images...)
- support for HTTP 1.1
- doesn't support keep-alive connection
- support partial content:
- when streaming video file, for example in vlc, you can skip through video file
- supported only in VLC, because browsers are using same connection to do this and we don't support keep-alive connections
- Logs are written in /tmp/log.txt
❯ wrk -t12 -c1000 -d30s http://localhost:8080 Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080 12 threads and 1000 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 38.46ms 4.07ms 151.68ms 91.13% Req/Sec 2.15k 191.48 2.56k 82.77% 773070 requests in 30.10s, 343.56MB read Socket errors: connect 0, read 773046, write 0, timeout 0 Requests/sec: 25683.19 Transfer/sec: 11.41MB
- Logs are written to stdout
❯ wrk -t12 -c1000 -d30s http://localhost:8080 Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080 12 threads and 1000 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 50.21ms 5.30ms 140.66ms 85.17% Req/Sec 1.65k 150.66 2.26k 79.20% 592907 requests in 30.10s, 263.50MB read Socket errors: connect 0, read 592884, write 0, timeout 0 Requests/sec: 19697.31 Transfer/sec: 8.75MB
Static files ❯ wrk -t12 -c1000 -d30s http://prvnistranka:8080 Running 30s test @ http://prvnistranka:8080 12 threads and 1000 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 38.23ms 6.38ms 132.58ms 78.05% Req/Sec 2.16k 313.94 3.09k 68.12% 775178 requests in 30.10s, 1.00GB read Socket errors: connect 0, read 775161, write 0, timeout 0 Requests/sec: 25754.62 Transfer/sec: 33.92MB
Reverse proxy ❯ wrk -t12 -c1000 -d30s http://druhastranka:8080 Running 30s test @ http://druhastranka:8080 12 threads and 1000 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 418.07ms 29.97ms 459.64ms 97.89% Req/Sec 210.67 109.07 595.00 65.80% 71001 requests in 30.05s, 604.70MB read Socket errors: connect 0, read 71001, write 0, timeout 0 Requests/sec: 2362.55 Transfer/sec: 20.12MB