This is a very simple library with some necessary functions packed into it.
The Library has callbacks implemented for the following
Access Point Connected
Access Point Disconnected
Station Connected
Station Disconnected
Station Reconnecting
Got Ip Address
The Library has Retries and infinite retry implemented.
user can easily call function to setup either wifi Station or AccessPoint.
easy functionality of shutting down wifi as well.
The library has the bits waiting functionality, to wait till the Station or Access-point is connected or have got the Ip Address.
With the basic setup / defaults all you have to do is pull the project, and use the WifiStack in your components folder and add the header.
Using WiFi Station There are two ways to use wifi Station
when you want to manually pass the ssid and password without using the menuConfig you can do the following
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(initWifi()); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(startWifiStation("Myssid", "myPassowrd"));
when you want to use the data passed into the menuconfig then you can use the following
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(initWifi()); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(startWifiStation(NULL, NULL));
For addon, we can even wait until we have the station connected by calling the below functions Station Connection
esp_err_t err = waitForStaAPConnected(); // would return ESP_OK if success if(err == ESP_OK) { // do the job you like }
Using Callbacks for Wifi Station Before you can use the callback, you have to enable the type of callback you want to use inside of the menuconfig the WiFi Station has the following callbacks Below are some examples
Connecting To Station Callback
void stationConnectedCB(void) { printf("Station Got Connected, CB Hit\r\n"); } void app_main() { // First we have to register the callback we want to use registerStationConnectCB(&stationConnectedCB); // init the wifi ESP_ERROR_CHECK(initWifi()); // start the wifi in station mode ESP_ERROR_CHECK(startWifiStation(NULL,NULL)); }
Disconnected From Station Callback
void stationDisconnectedCB(void) { printf("Station Got Disconnected, CB Hit\r\n"); } void app_main() { // First we have to register the callback we want to use registerStationDisconnectedCB(&stationDisconnectedCB); // init the wifi ESP_ERROR_CHECK(initWifi()); // start the wifi in station mode ESP_ERROR_CHECK(startWifiStation(NULL,NULL)); }
Reconnecting To Station Callback
void stationReconnectingCB(void) { printf("Station Is Reconnecting, CB Hit\r\n"); } void app_main() { // First we have to register the callback we want to use registerStationReconnectingCB(&stationReconnectingCB); // init the wifi ESP_ERROR_CHECK(initWifi()); // start the wifi in station mode ESP_ERROR_CHECK(startWifiStation(NULL,NULL)); }
Using Wifi Access Point There are two ways to use wifi Station
when you want to manually pass the ssid and password without using the menuConfig you can do the following
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(initWifi()); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(startWifiStation("Myssid", "myPassowrd"));
when you want to use the data passed into the menuconfig then you can use the following
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(initWifi()); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(startWifiStation(NULL, NULL));
Additionally, you can even use the bits to check if the wifi accesspoint is connected or not,
esp_err_t err = waitForStaAPConnected(); // would return ESP_OK if success if(err == ESP_OK) { // do the job you like }
Using Callbacks for Wifi Access Point Before you can use the callback, you have to enable the type of callback you want to use inside of the menuconfig the WiFi Access Point has the following callbacks Below are some examples
Connected To Accessing Point Callback (Basically whenever any device gets connected to esp32)
void accessPointConnectedCB(void) { printf("AccessPoint Got Connected, CB Hit\r\n"); } void app_main() { // First we have to register the callback we want to use registerAccessPointConnectCB(&accessPointConnectedCB); // init the wifi ESP_ERROR_CHECK(initWifi()); // start the wifi in station mode ESP_ERROR_CHECK(startWifiAccessPoint(NULL,NULL)); }
Disconnected Access point Callback (Basically whenever any device gets disconnected from esp32)
void accessPointDisconnectedCB(void) { printf("AccessPoint Got Disconnected, CB Hit\r\n"); } void app_main() { // First we have to register the callback we want to use registerAccessPointDisconnectedCB(&accessPointDisconnectedCB); // init the wifi ESP_ERROR_CHECK(initWifi()); // start the wifi in station mode ESP_ERROR_CHECK(startWifiAccessPoint(NULL,NULL)); }
We even have the option on what to do once we get the Ip Address, which mostly as off now works whenever we have the device in station mode Using the below function for waiting till we have the IP Address
esp_err_t err = waitForGotIpAddress(); // would return ESP_OK if success if(err == ESP_OK) { // do the job you like }
Using the callback for once we have got the IP Address, Like always, you have to first enable to use the callback in the makeMenuConfig
void gotIpAddrCB(void) { printf("Got IP, CB Hit\r\n"); } void app_main() { // First we have to register the callback we want to use registerStationGotIPCB(&gotIpAddrCB); // init the wifi ESP_ERROR_CHECK(initWifi()); // start the wifi in station mode ESP_ERROR_CHECK(startWifiStation(NULL,NULL)); }
There is an option to either set
in the menu config, which is set to 10times by default After trying for 10 times esp32 will not to anything -
There is an option to set the
in the menu config, which is set to false/disabled by default If you want to keep on trying with reconnecting to the station, you can enable this option
There might as well be some or maybe major bug fixes in the code, I have tried my level best to make it as simple as possible as I keep learning about esp32 and esp-idf This version of code is tested on the ESP_IDF -- 4.4.1. In terms of bugs all I can think of the following for now.
- Better ways to implement callbacks
- Make the callbacks non-Blocking
Cheers! Thanks to for helping me with callbacks. if you guys like this repo, do let me know, and feel free to push new changes. Parth Yatin Temkar :)