RestES is nodejs server that makes ElasticSearch queries available from a full REST API This aims to be generic and simple : one can add a new api method with parameters, and maps it with an ElasticSearch query, from a single conf file.
Development repo is here:
Note that "RestES" stands for Rest ElasticSearch
RestES aims to add a Rest API layer on an ElasticSearch index. This is built to make this layer as flexible and easy to configure as possible. With RestES you have only to declare a route and a matching elasticsearch query in the esroutes.json file.
Example of esroutes.json file :
[ { "name":"getMovieByTitle", "path":"/getMovieByTitle/:title", "esQuery":{ "query":{ "field":{ "title":"@title@" } } } } ]
This make the http://localhost/getMovieByTitle/BatMan url available. It returns a json document of the "movies" elasticsearch index, that owns a "title" field with "BatMan" as a value.
- Get the archive of the application
- Unpack it
- Edit the files :
- conf/conf.json (port : the app will listen on the set value; es : the app will query the elasticsearch set here)
- conf/esRoutes.conf (each object of the json array contains a map between a "route" and a "query". Add your routes (parameters must begins with the ":" caracter), and the matching elasticsearch query (route parameters can be called, they have to be boxed with two "@" caracter))
- Launch the app with node (for instance : > node app.js)