This repository contains all of my configuration files that I want to keep when switching between host machines. It's not perfect yet as the repository does not have all the files added yet but I'll keep on adding them when I remember.
The configuration files configure different applications and tools. Here's a list of these those configuration targets.
├── after
│ └── ftplugin
│ ├── markdown.vim
│ └── vim.vim
└── autoload
└── plug.vim
Notice how we have .vim/after/
directory which handles overriding of
ftplugins in the source code. Without the directory and its ftplugin
autoformatting wouldn't work because rules of the formatting is overriden, for
example, in the /usr/share/vim82/ftplugin/vim.vim
The Vim setup uses vim-plug plugin
manager. My current machine includes a plugin directory in ~/.vim/plugged
(as defined in ~/.vimrc
) but the plugins aren't added to this repository
because each entry in the directory is a submodule. The plugins can be
installed to the machine by calling :PlugInstall
in Vim.
Plugins are set between call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
and call plug#end()
in .vimrc
The Gruvbox plugin is a color theme for Vim.
Gruvbox is configured in a following way:
autocmd vimenter * ++nested colorscheme gruvbox
set background=dark
Airline is a statusline plugin.
The most important Airline configuration is this:
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
The Airline plugin is using Powerline fonts which make the statusline look cool with pointy text containers etc.
What needs to be noticed is that for the Powerline fonts to actually work the
Powerline fonts need to installed first. This should be done via cloning the
Powerline fonts repository and running
the installation script ./
. After this, the font can be changed
from the Gnome Terminal preferences for the used profile. Depending on the
fonts and the computer, some fonts work better with the Powerline than others.
A Vim wrapper for Vim. Needed this one for getting helpful branch info from a current directory if in a Git repository. No need for extra configuration at the moment.
Fzf.vim is a fuzzy file finder. This plugin works as a wrapper for the fzf
command-line tool.
└── gnome-terminal
└── gnome-terminal-profiles.dconf
includes Gnome Terminal profiles. It includes
a Gruvbox Dark profile created via Gogh.
The profiles have been exported with the following dconf
dconf dump /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/ > gnome-terminal-profiles.dconf
When a new machine is set up, the profiles can also be loaded in with dconf
dconf load /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/ < gnome-terminal-profiles.dconf
Currently includes only one variable that sets the $TERM
as tmux-256color
shell prompt color support. Normally it would be screen
which does not include
the color support.
Feel free to use any of these files to your liking in your own machines. This repository is licensed under The Unlicense. Read more from LICENSE.