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ScharfViktor committed Sep 8, 2023
1 parent 6f7a4b0 commit d8a22f7
Showing 1 changed file with 13 additions and 12 deletions.
25 changes: 13 additions & 12 deletions tests/acceptance/features/apiSearch/tagSearch.feature
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -257,20 +257,21 @@ Feature: tag search
Then the HTTP status code should be "207"
And the search result should contain "<result-count>" entries
And the search result of user "Alice" should contain these entries:
| <search-result-1> |
| <search-result-1> |
| <search-result-2> |
| pattern | result-count | search-result-1 | search-result-2 |
| Tags:mathe | 2 | /exercises | /answers |
| tag:mathe | 2 | /exercises | /answers |
| tag:(mathe klass10) | 2 | /exercises | /answers |
| tag:klass10 AND tag:chemi | 1 | /answers | |
| tag:chemi OR tag:physik | 2 | /exercises | /answers |
| pattern | result-count | search-result-1 | search-result-2 |
| Tags:mathe | 2 | /exercises | /answers |
| tag:mathe | 2 | /exercises | /answers |
| tag:(mathe klass10) | 2 | /exercises | /answers |
| tag:klass10 AND tag:chemi | 1 | /answers | |
| tag:chemi OR tag:physik | 2 | /exercises | /answers |
# why we need use quotes? it'll be fixed in future. Actual: search result gives all user content
#| (tag:klass10) NOT tag:physik | 2 | /answers | verification work |
| (tag:(mathe klass10)) NOT tag:chemi | 1 | /exercises | |
| (tag:mathe OR tag:klass10) NOT tag:physik | 2 | /answers | verification work |
| tag:mathe NOT name:exercises | 1 | /answers | |
| tag:mathe AND NOT name:exercises | 1 | /answers | |
| NOT tag:mathe | 2 | /verification work | withoutTagFolder |
| (tag:(mathe klass10)) NOT tag:chemi | 1 | /exercises | |
| (tag:mathe OR tag:klass10) NOT tag:physik | 2 | /answers | /verification work |
| tag:mathe NOT name:exercises | 1 | /answers | |
| tag:mathe AND NOT name:exercises | 1 | /answers | |
# The third finding is the personal space itself
| NOT tag:mathe | 3 | /verification work | /withoutTagFolder |

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