Release v1.9.3
The branch srs will be patched the following patches:
- ARM: Patch st.arm.patch, for ARM.
- OSX: Patch st.osx.kqueue.patch, for osx.
- Linux: Patch st.disable.examples.patch, for ubuntu.
- System: Refine TAB of code.
- ARM: Merge from michaeltalyansky and xzh3836598, support ARM.
- Valgrind: Merge from toffaletti, support valgrind for ST.
- OSX: Patch, for osx 10.14 build.
- ARM: Support macro
to disable ASM, #8. - AARCH64: Merge patch srs#1282 to support aarch64, #9.
- OSX: Support OSX for Apple Darwin, macOS, #11.
- System: Refine performance for sleep or epoll_wait(0), #17.
- System: Support utest by gtest and coverage by gcov/gocvr.
- System: Only support for Linux and Darwin. #19, srs#2188.
- System: Improve the performance of timer. 9fe8cfe5b, 7879c2b, 387cddb
- Windows: Support Windows 64bits. #20.
- MIPS: Support Linux/MIPS for OpenWRT, #21.