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feat:Add tcp
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GrapeBaBa committed Nov 30, 2024
1 parent 8f85722 commit d71c211
Showing 1 changed file with 370 additions and 1 deletion.
371 changes: 370 additions & 1 deletion src/Tcp.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ const Loop = @import("Loop.zig");
const errors = @import("error.zig");
const stream = @import("stream.zig");
const handle = @import("handle.zig");
const pipe = @import("pipe.zig");

pub const Tcp = struct {
handle: *c.uv_tcp_t,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ pub const Tcp = struct {
var sockaddr = addr.any;
try errors.convertError(c.uv_tcp_bind(
Expand All @@ -67,6 +68,26 @@ pub const Tcp = struct {

pub fn connect(self: *Tcp, addr:, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, comptime cb: fn (*Tcp, i32) void) !void {
const Wrapper = struct {
fn callback(req: [*c]c.uv_connect_t, status: c_int) callconv(.C) void {
var tcp_instance: Tcp = .{ .handle = @ptrCast(req.*.handle) };
cb(&tcp_instance, @intCast(status));

const connect_req = try allocator.create(c.uv_connect_t);
errdefer allocator.destroy(connect_req);

var sockaddr = addr.any;
try errors.convertError(c.uv_tcp_connect(

test "tcp: create and destroy" {
Expand All @@ -80,6 +101,354 @@ test "tcp: create and destroy" {
fn onClose(_: *Tcp) void {}

_ = try;
tcp.deinit(testing.allocator, Wrapper.onClose);

test "tcp: echo client" {
const testing = std.testing;
var loop = try Loop.init(testing.allocator);
defer loop.deinit(testing.allocator);

var client = try Tcp.init(&loop, testing.allocator);

const addr = try"", 7000);

const Callbacks = struct {
var connection_attempted: bool = false;
var connection_status: i32 = 0;

fn onConnect(_: *Tcp, status: i32) void {
connection_attempted = true;
connection_status = status;
if (status < 0) {
std.debug.print("Connect error: {d}\n", .{status});

fn onClose(_: *Tcp) void {}

try client.connect(addr, testing.allocator, Callbacks.onConnect);

_ = try;

try testing.expect(Callbacks.connection_attempted);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, -61), Callbacks.connection_status); // ECONNREFUSED
client.deinit(testing.allocator, Callbacks.onClose);

test "tcp: server and client connection" {
const testing = std.testing;
var server_loop = try Loop.init(testing.allocator);
defer server_loop.deinit(testing.allocator);

var client_loop = try Loop.init(testing.allocator);
defer client_loop.deinit(testing.allocator);

// Initialize server
var server = try Tcp.init(&server_loop, testing.allocator);
const addr = try"", 7000);
try server.bind(addr);

const Callbacks = struct {
var client_connected: bool = false;
var server_accepted: bool = false;
var server_loop_ptr: *Loop = undefined;
var alloc: std.mem.Allocator = undefined;

fn onServerConnection(server_handle: *Tcp, status: i32) void {
if (status >= 0) {
var client = Tcp.init(server_loop_ptr, alloc) catch return;
if (server_handle.accept(&client)) |_| {
server_accepted = true;
} else |_| {
client.deinit(alloc, onClose);

fn onClientConnect(_: *Tcp, status: i32) void {
if (status >= 0) {
client_connected = true;

fn onClose(_: *Tcp) void {}

Callbacks.server_loop_ptr = &server_loop;
Callbacks.alloc = testing.allocator;

// Start server and run one iteration to ensure it's listening
try server.listen(128, Callbacks.onServerConnection);
_ = try;

// Now connect client
var client = try Tcp.init(&client_loop, testing.allocator);
try client.connect(addr, testing.allocator, Callbacks.onClientConnect);

// Run both loops until connection is established
while (!Callbacks.client_connected or !Callbacks.server_accepted) {
_ = try;
_ = try;

try testing.expect(Callbacks.client_connected);
try testing.expect(Callbacks.server_accepted);

client.deinit(testing.allocator, Callbacks.onClose);
server.deinit(testing.allocator, Callbacks.onClose);

test "tcp: echo server with data transfer" {
const testing = std.testing;
std.debug.print("\n=== Starting echo server test ===\n", .{});

var loop = try Loop.init(testing.allocator);
defer loop.deinit(testing.allocator);

var server = try Tcp.init(&loop, testing.allocator);
const addr = try"", 7000);
try server.bind(addr);

const test_message = "Hello from client";
const Callbacks = struct {
var received_data: bool = false;
var data_echoed: bool = false;
var loop_ptr: *Loop = undefined;
var alloc: std.mem.Allocator = undefined;
var server_client: ?*Tcp = null; // Keep track of accepted client
var write_req: ?*stream.WriteReq = null;

fn allocCallback(_: *Tcp, size: usize) ?[]u8 {
std.debug.print("Allocating buffer size: {}\n", .{size});
const buffer = alloc.alloc(u8, size) catch return null;
return buffer;

fn onServerRead(tcp_server: *Tcp, nread: isize, buffer: []const u8) void {
std.debug.print("Server received bytes: {}\n", .{nread});
if (nread > 0) {
received_data = true;
write_req = alloc.create(stream.WriteReq) catch return;
write_req.?.* = stream.WriteReq.init(alloc) catch return;
const bufs = [_][]const u8{buffer[0..@intCast(nread)]};
tcp_server.write(write_req.?.*, &bufs, onWrite) catch return;

fn onWrite(_: *stream.WriteReq, status: i32) void {
std.debug.print("Write completed with status: {}\n", .{status});
if (write_req) |wr| {
write_req = null;

fn onClientRead(_: *Tcp, nread: isize, buffer: []const u8) void {
std.debug.print("Client read: {} bytes\n", .{nread});
if (nread > 0) {
const received = buffer[0..@intCast(nread)];
std.debug.print("Client received: {s}\nExpected: {s}\n", .{ received, test_message });
if (std.mem.eql(u8, received, test_message)) {
data_echoed = true;

fn onServerConnection(server_handle: *Tcp, status: i32) void {
std.debug.print("Server connection status: {}\n", .{status});
if (status >= 0) {
var client = Tcp.init(loop_ptr, alloc) catch return;
server_handle.accept(&client) catch {
client.deinit(alloc, onClose);
server_client = &client;
client.readStart(allocCallback, onServerRead) catch {
client.deinit(alloc, onClose);

fn onClose(tcp_handle: *Tcp) void {
if (server_client) |client| {
if (tcp_handle == client) {
server_client = null;

fn onClientConnect(_: *Tcp, status: i32) void {
std.debug.print("Client connect status: {}\n", .{status});

Callbacks.loop_ptr = &loop;
Callbacks.alloc = testing.allocator;

try server.listen(128, Callbacks.onServerConnection);

var client = try Tcp.init(&loop, testing.allocator);
try client.connect(addr, testing.allocator, Callbacks.onClientConnect);
try client.readStart(Callbacks.allocCallback, Callbacks.onClientRead);

const write_req = try stream.WriteReq.init(testing.allocator);
const bufs = [_][]const u8{test_message};
try client.write(write_req, &bufs, Callbacks.onWrite);

while (!Callbacks.received_data or !Callbacks.data_echoed) {
_ = try;

try testing.expect(Callbacks.received_data);
try testing.expect(Callbacks.data_echoed);

test "tcp: echo server with data transfer1" {
const testing = std.testing;
std.debug.print("\n=== Starting echo server test ===\n", .{});

var loop = try Loop.init(testing.allocator);
defer loop.deinit(testing.allocator);

var server = try Tcp.init(&loop, testing.allocator);
const addr = try"", 8001);
try server.bind(addr);

const test_message = "Hello from client";
const Callbacks = struct {
var received_data: bool = false;
var connected: usize = 0;
var data_echoed: bool = false;
var loop_ptr: *Loop = undefined;
var alloc: std.mem.Allocator = undefined;
var server_clients: std.ArrayList(*Tcp) = undefined; // Track multiple clients
var write_reqs: std.ArrayList(*stream.WriteReq) = undefined;
// Add write completion tracking
var write_completed: usize = 0;
var total_writes: usize = 0;
var clients_completed: usize = 0;
fn init() void {
server_clients = std.ArrayList(*Tcp).init(alloc);
write_reqs = std.ArrayList(*stream.WriteReq).init(alloc);

fn deinit() void {

fn allocCallback(_: *Tcp, size: usize) ?[]u8 {
std.debug.print("Allocating buffer size: {}\n", .{size});
const buffer = alloc.alloc(u8, size) catch return null;
return buffer;

fn onServerRead(tcp_server: *Tcp, nread: isize, buffer: []const u8) void {
if (nread > 0) {
received_data = true;
const write_req = alloc.create(stream.WriteReq) catch return;
write_req.* = stream.WriteReq.init(alloc) catch return;
write_reqs.append(write_req) catch return;
const bufs = [_][]const u8{buffer[0..@intCast(nread)]};
tcp_server.write(write_req.*, &bufs, onWrite) catch return;

fn onWrite(req: *stream.WriteReq, _: i32) void {
write_completed += 1;
for (write_reqs.items, 0..) |write_req, i| {
if (req == write_req) {
_ = write_reqs.orderedRemove(i);

fn onClientRead(_: *Tcp, nread: isize, buffer: []const u8) void {
std.debug.print("Client read: {} bytes\n", .{nread});
if (nread > 0) {
const received = buffer[0..@intCast(nread)];
std.debug.print("Client received: {s}\nExpected: {s}\n", .{ received, test_message });
if (std.mem.eql(u8, received, test_message)) {
data_echoed = true;
clients_completed += 1;

fn onServerConnection(server_handle: *Tcp, status: i32) void {
if (status >= 0) {
connected += 1;
var client = Tcp.init(loop_ptr, alloc) catch return;
server_handle.accept(&client) catch {
client.deinit(alloc, onClose);
server_clients.append(&client) catch {
client.deinit(alloc, onClose);
client.readStart(allocCallback, onServerRead) catch {
_ = server_clients.pop();
client.deinit(alloc, onClose);

fn onClose(tcp_handle: *Tcp) void {
for (server_clients.items, 0..) |client, i| {
if (tcp_handle == client) {
_ = server_clients.orderedRemove(i);

fn onClientConnect(_: *Tcp, status: i32) void {
std.debug.print("Client connect status: {}\n", .{status});

Callbacks.loop_ptr = &loop;
Callbacks.alloc = testing.allocator;
defer Callbacks.deinit();

try server.listen(128, Callbacks.onServerConnection);

var client = try Tcp.init(&loop, testing.allocator);
try client.connect(addr, testing.allocator, Callbacks.onClientConnect);
try client.readStart(Callbacks.allocCallback, Callbacks.onClientRead);

const write_req = try stream.WriteReq.init(testing.allocator);
const bufs = [_][]const u8{test_message};
Callbacks.total_writes += 1;
try client.write(write_req, &bufs, Callbacks.onWrite);

var client1 = try Tcp.init(&loop, testing.allocator);
try client1.connect(addr, testing.allocator, Callbacks.onClientConnect);
try client1.readStart(Callbacks.allocCallback, Callbacks.onClientRead);

const write_req1 = try stream.WriteReq.init(testing.allocator);
const bufs1 = [_][]const u8{test_message};
Callbacks.total_writes += 1;

try client1.write(write_req1, &bufs1, Callbacks.onWrite);

while (!Callbacks.received_data or
Callbacks.clients_completed < 2 or
Callbacks.write_completed < Callbacks.total_writes)
_ = try;

try testing.expect(Callbacks.received_data);
try testing.expect(Callbacks.data_echoed);
try testing.expect(Callbacks.connected == 2);

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