Swift package for creating Verifiable Credentials (VCs) in multiple formats
- SD JWT "Selective Disclosure for JWTs (SD-JWT)" using the specification defined at https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc/
- VC JWT "Verifiable Credentials as JWTs" using the format defined at JWT VC Presentation Profile https://identity.foundation/jwt-vc-presentation-profile/
Support for mulitple data types for disclosed values including
- String
- Int
- Boolean
- Array of Strings - [String]
- Dictionary of String keys and String values - [String:String]
Apache License, Version 2.0
Go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and add the following URL:
The SDJWT_Writer
class is used to create an SD JWT format Verifiable Credential. To instantiate the class you simply provide the signing algorithm and the Key ID
let vcWriter = SDJWT_Creator(algorithm: "EdDSA", keyId: UUID().uuidString)
You can directly access the payload for defining other claims for the VC
vcWriter.payload.jwtId = UUID().uuidString
vcWriter.payload.subject = "did:jwk:ewogICAgImt0eSI6IC...iIKfQo"
vcWriter.payload.issuer = "did:jwk:ewogICAgImt0eSI6IC...SIKfQo"
Note: issuer and subject edited for brevity
You can specify a credentialSubject
for the Verifiable Credential. The credentialSubject
is a dictionary with String
keys. The values of the dictionary can be of following types
- String
- Int
- Bool
- Array of Strings - [String]
- Dictionary of String keys and String values - [String:String]
"name" : "John" ,
"age": 25,
"gender" : "male",
"over_21" : true,
"roles" : ["user", "reports_admin"]
You can also provide date claims like expiry, issued at and not before
vcWriter.issuedAt.expiry = UInt64(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
vcWriter.payload.expiry = UInt64(futureDateByAddingMonths(1).timeIntervalSince1970)
Once the instance of the VCJWT_Writer
class has been setup you can call the getEncodedVC
method to get the SD JWT encoded VC
try vcWriter.getEncodedVC()
You can provide an optional hashAlgorithm
parameter to the getEncodedVC
method. The hashAlgorithm
parameter accepts an enum HashAlgorithm
. This is used to request the getEncodedVC
method to use one of the three supported hash algorithms for creating the digests in the _sd
- sha-256 (default value)
- sha-384
- sha-512
try vcWriter.getEncodedVC(hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm.SHA_512)
You can also provide an optional decoyDigests
parameter to the getEncodedVC
method. The decoyDigests
parameter accepts an Integer. This value is used to determine how many extra decoy digests will be created in the _sd
Note: default value is 0
try vcWriter.getEncodedVC(decoyDigests: 5)
Once the Encoded JWT is created it can be shared with the holder. An example encoded SD JWT based on the above calls is shared here:
To create a signed SD JWT you need to provide the signer
method to the SDJWT_Creator
instance. Here is an example
let privateKey = Curve25519.Signing.PrivateKey()
let signer:(Data) throws -> Data = {(data) in
return try privateKey.signature(for: data)
When a signer function is provided the output of the getEncodedVC() will look slightly different
class is used to read an SD JWT format Verifiable Credential. To instantiate the class you simply encoded SD JWT
let sdjwt = "eyJ0eXAiOiJ2YytzZC1qd3QiLCJraWQiOiJDNzY1QzZCQi0xOUI0LTQ2QTYtQTcxNC03NjBGRkJEQjJBMTIiLCJhbGciOiJFZERTQSJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkaWQ6andrOmxka2Zqc2FsZGZranNhZGxma2phc2RmbGtqIiwiaXNzIjoiZGlkOmp3azpzZGtzYWRma2phc2xma2phc2RmbGtqYWRsZmsiLCJfc2RfYWxnIjoic2hhLTI1NiIsIl9zZCI6WyJLU3RmYUNsZTZDMUgxMU56ZW9vTWRaeXBXeU56VXVSSmpubXk5RlFnVGlBIiwiUS1BU3BwTGwwZXpXUTdubGRBUmpSY09IM1BNemJGRUVkMC1UQ0pFMVlJayIsInBRUFJfelVaVDdKY3NlODhEbWpXbnFZZGQ5OUNGb3VtbGR3WXY5cEYyZVUiLCJibGI3QmlWeHpoTmdtMkExMXA0bVItWUc3d2hoNEd0WGQzZWVlSFpwbUNVIiwiRGhWVjZ1TzNHQ190TUF3ajZxNGpqdEo4eUljUHFYQnoteGZac2ptWFhCMCJdLCJleHAiOjE3MDQ0NzY0Njh9.2zeB_qy5uJj1tZbPKIhlOfoO5ECKgTghCFBOVfnY4yWa3HkbbIBEppJwgPLVsFfy8qjjT_p-wyHjPMWJI4bBBQ~WyJKUEwwSnVTOG5FeU1BNWR5ZmthZ2lCYUU1NmhzTnlZcElkdmlRNTVINy0wIiwiZ2VuZGVyIiwibWFsZSJd~WyJHTmZ2WWZtYktCVTVjeEhJYTNRQUV5bl9Da3ZLUVRnUE1ubXo0SmpqdU9vIiwiYWdlIiwyNV0~WyJHeVFDdVZna1pZdGdyV1lUTXRVM0ZfVDBGczRqT2pIVVp4Wk1mZnFILTdvIiwicm9sZXMiLFsidXNlciIsInJlcG9ydHNfYWRtaW4iXV0~WyJteGxxQXE3ZWJDY29sNjZoRU9ya2p3eEIzTl91cnZWcmVPUzdCNTQ5SnlnIiwib3Zlcl8yMSIsdHJ1ZV0~WyJkaHRGaGpVUjhjb1hUcDdpaGJaLU1qMmVvblR4bXFhT3pJakpHVXNXQTk4IiwibmFtZSIsIkpvaG4iXQ"
let vc = try SDJWT(from: sdjwt)
If the SDJWT
constructor successfully returns the class allows access to the disclosures
let disclosures:[String:Any] = vc.disclosures
You can call the verifySignature
methods to validate the signature of a signed SD-JWT by calling the verifySignature
method of the SDJWT
instance with a function to verify the signature
let privateKey = Curve25519.Signing.PrivateKey()
if try vc.verifySignature(verifier: {(signature:Data, data: Data) in
return keyPair.1.isValidSignature(signature, for: data)
}) {
... // Signature verified successfully
The VCJWT_Writer
class is used to create an JWT formatted Verifiable Credential. To instantiate the class you simply provide the signing algorithm and the Key ID
let vcWriter = VCJWT_Creator(algorithm: "EdDSA", keyId: UUID().uuidString)
You can directly access the payload for defining other claims for the VC
vcWriter.payload.jwtId = UUID().uuidString
vcWriter.payload.subject = "did:jwk:ewogICAgImt0eSI6IC...iIKfQo"
vcWriter.payload.issuer = "did:jwk:ewogICAgImt0eSI6IC...SIKfQo"
Note: issuer and subject edited for brevity
You can specify a credentialSubject
for the Verifiable Credential. The credentialSubject
is a dictionary with String
keys. The values of the dictionary can be of following types
- String
- Int
- Bool
- Array of Strings - [String]
- Dictionary of String keys and String values - [String:String]
"name" : "John" ,
"age": 25,
"gender" : "male",
"over_21" : true,
"roles" : ["user", "reports_admin"]
You can also provide date claims like expiry, issued at and not before
vcWriter.payload.issuedAt = UInt64(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
vcWriter.payload.expiry = UInt64(futureDateByAddingMonths(1).timeIntervalSince1970)
Once the instance of the SDJWT_Writer
class has been setup you can call the getEncodedVC
method to get the SD JWT encoded VC
try vcWriter.getEncodedVC()
Once the Encoded JWT is created it can be shared with the holder. An example encoded SD JWT based on the above calls is shared here:
To create a signed SD JWT you need to provide the signer
method to the SDJWT_Creator
instance. Here is an example
let privateKey = Curve25519.Signing.PrivateKey()
let signer:(Data) throws -> Data = {(data) in
return try privateKey.signature(for: data)
When a signer function is provided the output of the getEncodedVC() will look slightly different
class is used to read an JWT formatted Verifiable Credential. To instantiate the class you simply encoded SD JWT
let vcjwt = "eyJ0eXAiOiJ2YytzZC1qd3QiLCJraWQiOiJDNzY1QzZCQi0xOUI0LTQ2QTYtQTcxNC03NjBGRkJEQjJBMTIiLCJhbGciOiJFZERTQSJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkaWQ6andrOmxka2Zqc2FsZGZranNhZGxma2phc2RmbGtqIiwiaXNzIjoiZGlkOmp3azpzZGtzYWRma2phc2xma2phc2RmbGtqYWRsZmsiLCJfc2RfYWxnIjoic2hhLTI1NiIsIl9zZCI6WyJLU3RmYUNsZTZDMUgxMU56ZW9vTWRaeXBXeU56VXVSSmpubXk5RlFnVGlBIiwiUS1BU3BwTGwwZXpXUTdubGRBUmpSY09IM1BNemJGRUVkMC1UQ0pFMVlJayIsInBRUFJfelVaVDdKY3NlODhEbWpXbnFZZGQ5OUNGb3VtbGR3WXY5cEYyZVUiLCJibGI3QmlWeHpoTmdtMkExMXA0bVItWUc3d2hoNEd0WGQzZWVlSFpwbUNVIiwiRGhWVjZ1TzNHQ190TUF3ajZxNGpqdEo4eUljUHFYQnoteGZac2ptWFhCMCJdLCJleHAiOjE3MDQ0NzY0Njh9.2zeB_qy5uJj1tZbPKIhlOfoO5ECKgTghCFBOVfnY4yWa3HkbbIBEppJwgPLVsFfy8qjjT_p-wyHjPMWJI4bBBQ~WyJKUEwwSnVTOG5FeU1BNWR5ZmthZ2lCYUU1NmhzTnlZcElkdmlRNTVINy0wIiwiZ2VuZGVyIiwibWFsZSJd~WyJHTmZ2WWZtYktCVTVjeEhJYTNRQUV5bl9Da3ZLUVRnUE1ubXo0SmpqdU9vIiwiYWdlIiwyNV0~WyJHeVFDdVZna1pZdGdyV1lUTXRVM0ZfVDBGczRqT2pIVVp4Wk1mZnFILTdvIiwicm9sZXMiLFsidXNlciIsInJlcG9ydHNfYWRtaW4iXV0~WyJteGxxQXE3ZWJDY29sNjZoRU9ya2p3eEIzTl91cnZWcmVPUzdCNTQ5SnlnIiwib3Zlcl8yMSIsdHJ1ZV0~WyJkaHRGaGpVUjhjb1hUcDdpaGJaLU1qMmVvblR4bXFhT3pJakpHVXNXQTk4IiwibmFtZSIsIkpvaG4iXQ"
let vc = try VCJWT(from: sdjwt)
If the VCJWT
constructor successfully you can access the credentialSubject from the decoded payload
let credentialSubject:[String:Any] = vc.getCredentialSubject()
You can call the verifySignature
methods to validate the signature of a signed JWT by calling the verifySignature
method of the VDJWT
instance with a function to verify the signature
let privateKey = Curve25519.Signing.PrivateKey()
if try vc.verifySignature(verifier: {(signature:Data, data: Data) in
return keyPair.1.isValidSignature(signature, for: data)
}) {
... // Signature verified successfully