Phase 3 project by The Borrowers
We use APIPIE to serve our API documentation to users.
go to
##Team members:
- Karen Larsen
- Juliet Carpenter
- Daniel Lewis
- Grace Fox
Mobile Library will provide a mobile platform for users to operate their personal collections as lending libraries.
#How to use this Repo
- As at 25 Sept 2014 - simply read the readme.
#Github workflow
- Master branch represents the production app that is pushed to Heroku
- Pull Request approved by current Timelorde
- Each feature will be developed on a branch
- Pull request created when feature branch ready to merge
- Feature branches will be deleted once the pull request is approved
#Team roles
##Timelorde = Teamleader
- Facilitator
- Daily task manager
- Monitors git commits (reminds you to commit)
- Approve pull requests
- Provides morningtea on day of Lordeship - aka Timelorde Tea-time
- Awareness of team state
- Daily rotating role:
- Thurs/Fri is Grace
- Sun/Sun Lorde of self
- Mon is Juliet
- Tues is Dan
- Weds is Karen
- Thurs Juliet leads prep of presentation
##Timelorde Companions
- Help each other
- Be mindful of stress in self and others
- Ask for what you need - ie checkins, help etc
- Be aware of the needs of the group to help maintain 'fun-ness'
##Team Expectations
- Open door, we each agree to be open to communication at all times
- We agree that our minimum workday is 9am - 6pm weekdays, and 10 hours on the weekend
- We will checkin 3 times a day. 8.45am, noon and 6pm
- FUN - Fun Driven Development - FDD, Are you having fun? No, then something has to change
##Additional Dynamics
- Pairing? Pairing should be done on achievable features, for longer features pairees should have freedom to change tasks if wished.
#Product Management Tools
- (kanban board connected to Github)
- TravisCI (continuious integration tool for running tests on production code before being released) STRETCH GOAL MONDAY
#Project Learning Goals
- Juliet - Javascript and handling APIS
- Karen - Javascript and handling APIS
- Dan - Testing and OO
- Grace - Confidence in ability to know what Ruby code to write given a problem, and some more testing experience
#Coding Strategies (external resources)
- plan to consume API's for book database
- plan to consume API's for contacts
- look to use Phonegap to distribute native mobile apps and access phone data
- Rufus gem - timescheduling events,
#Technology Stack
- PostgreSQL db
- ActiveRecord ORM
- Rails/Ruby framework
- Javascript/Jquery front end
- Knockout?
- Rspec
- Jasmine