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@tprimak tprimak released this 05 Mar 22:39

Performance optimizations

  • Added optimizations for future Intel(R) Xeon(R) processors with AVX512_VNNI instruction groups support. New instructions are used in direct convolutions with int8 and int16 data types.
  • Improved performance of int8 direct forward convolution on Intel Xeon processors with Intel AVX512 instruction set.
  • Improved performance of grouped convolutions and depthwise separable convolutions.

New functionality

  • Extended Batch Normalization to enable fused ReLU on forward and backward propagation.

Usability improvements

Thanks to the contributors

This release contains contributions from many Intel(R) Performance Libraries developers as well as Patric Zhao @pengzhao-intel, Ashok Emani @ashokei, Erik Kruus @kruus and Dmitriy Gorokhov. We would also like to thank everyone who asked questions and reported issues.

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