- Some http libs (i.e.: OkHttp v3) are stateless (doesn't store session cookies) but this Library is built to be stateful to make it readily useable.
- You could use a single instance of HttpInvoker for all of your tasks and threads, and its thread safe.
- Use InvokerResponse's quit() method for preventing potential** memory leaks
- ** = when "stream response types (string, byte[] responses are auto closed)" are consumed in different thread than InvokerResponse's thread.
-[ ] (check via thread id)check if instance call from multi thread for all the methods are thread safe + if every part (i.e. InvokerRequest ) can be used without data-race (check all class variables)
-[ ] set concurrent thread no for same host
-[ ] download progress listener in InvokerResponse
-[ ] add Lambda in Buffered sink methods
-[ ] remove deprecated method from acceptAllSSLCerts method
-[ ] implement proxy authentication