Python utilities to plot and analyse IPSL-CM outputs
Author : [email protected]
git :
An eclectic demo of various plots with ORCA outputs
A demo of plots with LMDZ outputs
Defines libIGCM directories, depending of the computer
Handles date computations and convertions in different calendars. Mostly conversion of IGCM_date.ksh to python.
Dates format
- Human format : [yy]yy-mm-dd
- Gregorian format : yymmdd
- Julian format : yyddd
Types of calendars possible :
- leap | gregorian |standard (other name leap) : The normal calendar. The time origin for the julian day in this case is 24 Nov -4713.
- noleap | 365_day : A 365 day year without leap years.
- all_leap | 366_day : A 366 day year with only leap years.
- 360d | 360_day : Year of 360 days with month of equal length.
Utilities for LMDZ grid
- Lots of tests for xarray object
- Not much tested for numpy objects
Utilities to plot NEMO ORCA fields. Handles periodicity and other stuff.
- Lots of tests for xarray object
- Not much tested for numpy objects
A few fonctionnalities of the OASIS coupler in Python