Sujuvuusnavigaattori OpenTripPlanner Docker Server
OTP-docker server is a utility that facilitates deployment and running of Open Trip Planner via Docker container with the use of Packer.
Packer is a utility to streamline creation and deployment of virtual machine images.
Docker is a flavor of machine virtualization tools with neat features.
This script allows you to:
- create Docker image from official ubuntu:latest and build OTP inside it
- build graphs using custom downloaded OSM/GTFS data
- run OTP server as a Docker container
- view running Docker containers
- stop a running Docker container
The script is also capable of updating the version of OTP and base operating system.
Run script to see the usage help.
OSM data for Finland causes an exception in OTP code as of Jan 2015. Here's the commit that has been tested and is known to work: fbb0f5a689b06a70f09cf897a5b3440906fd8237
Reportedly, the Exception is caused by this OSM object: