Browse and annotate decisions made by the city of Helsinki and other OpenAhjo users.
The annotated information is made available on this service using OpenAhjo format, with annotations added on.
This is a project funded by the European Union through the D-CENT project and managed by Open Knowledge Foundation.
Pre-requisites: A Postgresql database. For default config, create a
database named helsinkidecisions
that your user Postgresql account has
permissions for.
A minimal runnable instance can be operated as follows:
- Go to the web/ directory
- Install project requirements with
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
- Migrate database with
python migrate
- Compile translations with
python compilemessages
- Finally, run the project with
python runserver
Repeat these steps every time you update for smooth sailing. For
production deployment, also run python collectstatic
When first importing data to an empty database, create the text search
engine index with python rebuild_index
. You can rebuild
the index any time.
Alternatively, you can build and run a composed Docker setup.
To create initial Docker environment:
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox dev
To enable Docker environment variables:
$ eval $(docker-machine env dev)
To build/update existing containers:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose run --rm web /usr/local/bin/python migrate
$ docker-compose run --rm web /usr/local/bin/python collectstatic --noinput
You can find out the IP address to access the newly deployed site with
$ docker-machine ip dev
The project will build a demo/development Docker cluster by default. However, if you wish to deploy it in public, you should create your own private settings:
Create a new Git branch.
Modify web/decisions/
Important: Change
. Leaving the secret key unmodified allows strangers to guess session keys, etc. You can generate a new acceptable secret key with the following Python snippet:from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-_=+)' print get_random_string(50, chars)
Important: Change
. Leaving the debug state to true exposes a lot of internal information on error pages that probably shouldn't be shown to the general public. -
Important: Change
to only include fully qualified domain names you intend the site to be accessible on. You can have multiple. -
Important: Change
to point at a publicly accessible URL to the site root. This is used to build full URLs for email links and otherwise. -
with your name and email address. The site will send page error messages to you by mail. -
You can set up a lot of site behavior with various settings. For example, you might want to setup your own email sending settings.
You should keep your own Git branch private. Push it to private repositories, but not public ones.
After pulling new updates, sync them with your private branch with git merge
. From your branch:
$ git merge master
You may need to resolve conflicts within your settings file.
It might not be possible to use docker-compose to deploy, e.g. on a shared host. Here are manual Docker commands to deploy on a generic Docker host.
Disclaimer: These instructions are maintained separately from the
executable docker-compose.yml
file, and the resulting setup might be
different/slightly out of date.
To get images for deployment, build containers with docker-compose as usual:
$ docker-compose build
(test with docker-compose up)
Check the names of the built images with docker images (output may look different)
$ docker images
decisions_web latest 8da3a688edd4 26 minutes ago 732.6 MB
decisions_nginx latest 1da419479050 26 minutes ago 206.1 MB
Then save the resulting web and nginx images
$ docker save -o decisions.tar decisions_web
$ docker save -o dec-nginx.tar decisions_nginx
Then upload them to host e.g. with scp or rsync
Set up Docker host for the first time, starting with network and volumes:
# docker network create --driver bridge decisions
# docker volume create --name dec-database
# docker volume create --name dec-whoosh
# docker volume create --name dec-static
Create generic service containers (postgres, redis):
# docker create --name dec-postgres \
-v dec-database:/var/lib/postgresql \
--expose 5432 \
--restart always \
--net-alias postgres \
--net decisions \
# docker create --name=dec-redis \
--expose 6379 \
--restart always \
--net-alias redis \
--net decisions \
Update Docker images on the host:
# docker load -i decisions.tar
# docker load -i dec-nginx.tar
Create or re-create containers out of updated images:
# docker create --name=decisions \
-v dec-static:/usr/src/app/staticfiles \
-v dec-whoosh:/usr/src/app/whoosh.idx \
--expose 8000 \
--env "DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/postgres" \
--restart always \
--net-alias web \
--net decisions \
# docker create --name=dec-nginx \
-v dec-static:/usr/src/app/staticfiles \
--restart=always \
--net-alias=nginx \
--net=decisions \
--publish=8099:80 \
You can now access the running Docker setup e.g. run management
commands with docker exec
# docker exec -it decisions python shell
Python 2.7.11 (default, Mar 24 2016, 09:47:20)
[GCC 4.9.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Install libvoikko (e.g. 4.0.2) to your system to enable a little smarter spelling in searching. We include the Python bindings.
Fetch, index and process new decisions from external sources with
python process_all
This project bundles the following third party assets and software either modified or as is: