Node.js module for interfacing with the TreeTagger toolkit by Helmut Schmid.
Install the module with: npm install treetagger
var Treetagger = require('treetagger');
var tagger = new Treetagger();
tagger.tag("This is a test!", function (err, results) {
[ { t: 'This', pos: 'DT', l: 'this' },
{ t: 'is', pos: 'VBZ', l: 'be' },
{ t: 'a', pos: 'DT', l: 'a' },
{ t: 'test', pos: 'NN', l: 'test' },
{ t: '!', pos: 'SENT', l: '!' } ]
Copyright (c) 2013 Thomas Holloway
Licensed under the MIT license.