Provisions K3s nodes and is able to build a cluster from multiple nodes.
You can use the k3s module to template the necessary cloudinit files for creating a K3s cluster node. Modules for OpenStack and Hetzner hcloud that bundle all necessary resources are available.
- OpenStack
- Hetzner Cloud (hcloud)
This module provides the templating of the user_data for use with cloud-init.
module "k3s_server" {
source = "git::"
name = "k3s-server"
cluster_token = "abcdef"
k3s_ip = ""
k3s_args = [
"--disable", "traefik",
"--node-label", "az=ex1",
output "server_user_data" {
value = module.k3s_server.user_data
sensitive = true
With this module a single K3s node can be deployed with OpenStack. It internally uses the k3s module. Depending on the supplied parameters the node will initialize a new cluster or join an existing cluster as a server or agent.
module "server" {
source = "git::"
name = "k3s-server"
image_name = "ubuntu-20.04"
flavor_name = "m1.small"
availability_zone = "ex"
keypair_name = "keypair"
network_id = var.network_id
subnet_id = var.subnet_id
security_group_ids = []
cluster_token = "abcdef"
k3s_args = [
"--disable", "traefik",
"--node-label", "az=ex1",
# if using bootstrap-auth include
"--kube-apiserver-arg", "enable-bootstrap-token-auth",
bootstrap_token_id = "012345"
bootstrap_token_secret = "0123456789abcdef"
The necessary security-group for the K3s cluster can be deployed with this module.
module "secgroup" {
source = "git::"
With this module a single K3s node can be deployed with hcloud. It internally uses the k3s module. Depending on the supplied parameters the node will initialize a new cluster or join an existing cluster as a server or agent.
module "server" {
source = "git::"
name = "k3s-server"
keypair_name = "keypair"
network_id = var.network_id
network_range = var.ip_range
cluster_token = "abcdef"
k3s_args = [
"--disable", "traefik",
"--node-label", "az=ex1",
# if using bootstrap-auth include
"--kube-apiserver-arg", "enable-bootstrap-token-auth",
bootstrap_token_id = "012345"
bootstrap_token_secret = "0123456789abcdef"
To access the cluster an optional bootstrap token can be installed on the cluster. To install the token specify the parameters bootstrap_token_id
and bootstrap_token_secret
on the server that initializes the cluster.
For ease of use the provider nimbolus/k8sbootstrap can be used to retrieve the CA certificate from the cluster. The provider can also output a kubeconfig with the bootstrap token.
data "k8sbootstrap_auth" "auth" {
// depends_on = [module.secgroup] // if using OpenStack
server = module.server1.k3s_external_url
token = local.token
- basic: basic usage of the k3s module with one server and one agent node
- ha-hcloud: 3 Servers and 1 Agent with bootstrap token on Hetzner Cloud
- ha-openstack: 3 Servers and 1 Agent with bootstrap token on OpenStack
cd tests/basic
go test -count=1 -v
cd tests/ha-openstack
cp env.sample .env
$EDITOR .env
source .env
go test -count=1 -v
cd tests/ha-hcloud
cp env.sample .env
$EDITOR .env
source .env
go test -count=1 -v