This package will allow you to retrieve UK Companies House API data, with ability to have more readable keys and enumerated values.
npm install --save companies-house-uk
yarn add companies-house-uk
To use this package you need to obtain API key from Companies House Developer pages:
To load data:
const { CompaniesHouseAPI } = require('companies-house-uk');
const ch = new CompaniesHouseAPI(YOUR_API_KEY_STRING);
const fetchCompanyData = async () => {
try {
const companyProfile = await ch.getCompanyData(companyId);
return companyProfile.body;
} catch (err) {
// or
.then(({ body }) => {
.catch((error) => {
Following methods are available:
search(item: any)
getCompanyProfile(companyNo: string)
getFilingHistory(companyNo: string)
getOfficers(companyNo: string)
getPersons(companyNo: string)
getAddress(companyNo: string)
It is possible to change snake_case result with the following snippet:
const { Casing } = require('companies-house-uk');
const { keysToCamel } = Casing;
const result = keysToCamel(companyProfile);
Also now you can decorate fields that have enumeration mapping. For example for company_status filed we would get:
"company_status": "receivership"
// will result in
"company_status": { "id": "receivership", "value": "Receiver Action"
How to use dictionary decorators:
const companyProfile = ... load company profile above
const { Transformation } = require('companies-house-uk');
const { decorateWithDictonary, companyProfileDecorator } = Transformation;
const decorationRes = decorateWithDictonary(companyProfile, '', companyProfileDecorator);
The roadmap is as follows:
- API functions for retrieving data
- Change casing to camelCase from snake_case or kebab-case +- Decorating retrieved data with dictionary results
- TypeScript types for each entity
- ...
If you have more ideas about other functionalities you would like to see in this npm package or something you would like me to improve; please raise the issue with the label "feature request".
Thank you, Aleks