Live version:
Run first:
$ npm run deploy:ec2
And then in EC2 serve folder:
sudo git pull origin gh-pages
sudo service nginx restart
Website created by mixing:
- Gatsby blog starter
- Gatsby v2 starter Lumen
- Gatsby starter 2column portfolio)
- Gatsby starter CV
- Gatsby starter strata
- Gatsby starter personal blog
To run locally:
, then yarn dev
npm install
, then npm start
then open https://localhost:8000 to get the app,
or http://localhost:8080/__graphql to get GraphQL shape
ubuntu@:$ npm -v - 6.14.9
ubuntu@:$ node -v - v14.15.1
npm install --global yarn
"react-disqus-comments": "^1.4.0",
removed node-sass from package.json and package-lock.json trying this fix as require Python2 and mscs c++ compiler to work 2013 gatsbyjs/gatsby#27754 npm i -D sass
update your gatsby-config.js : before: { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-sass` } after: { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-sass`, options: { implementation: require('sass') }, }
Then requested to update browser list for the sake of ignore : npx browserslist@latest --update-db
![IDEA] about future taking notes as "Notes of pain" or "Pain Diary" about updating npm modules and IT issues
"react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider start" $ export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider <---- that works run in bash.
$ sudo tar --exclude='./node_modules' -zcvf 2024-08-19-www2--ristevski-aleksandar-me.tgz .
$ sudo mv 2024-08-19-www2--ristevski-aleksandar-me.tgz ~/Uploads/backups/
$ cd ~/Uploads/backups/