Based on the work of varyumin (
This chart bootstraps a Netdata deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
By default, the chart installs:
- A Netdata child pod on each node of a cluster, using a
- A Netdata k8s state monitoring pod on one node, using a
. This virtual node is callednetdata-k8s-state
. - A Netdata parent pod on one node, using a
. This virtual node is callednetdata-parent
Disabled by default:
- A Netdata restarter
. Its main purpose is to automatically update Netdata when using nightly releases.
The child pods and the state pod function as headless collectors that collect and forward all the metrics to the parent pod. The parent pod uses persistent volumes to store metrics and alarms, handle alarm notifications, and provide the Netdata UI to view metrics using an ingress controller.
Please validate that the settings are suitable for your cluster before using them in production.
- A working cluster running Kubernetes v1.9 or newer.
- The kubectl command line tool, within one minor version difference of your cluster, on an administrative system.
- The Helm package manager v3.8.0 or newer on the same administrative system.
You can install the Helm chart via our Helm repository, or by cloning this repository.
To use Netdata's Helm repository, run the following commands:
helm repo add netdata
helm install netdata netdata/netdata
See our install Netdata on Kubernetes
documentation for detailed installation and configuration instructions. The remainder of this document assumes you
installed the Helm chart by cloning this repository, and thus uses slightly different helm install
/helm upgrade
Clone the repository locally.
git clone netdata-helmchart
To install the chart with the release name netdata
helm install netdata ./netdata-helmchart/charts/netdata
The command deploys ingress on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.
Tip: List all releases using
helm list
To uninstall/delete the my-release
helm delete netdata
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the netdata chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
kubeVersion |
Kubernetes version | Autodetected |
replicaCount |
Number of replicas for the parent netdata Deployment |
1 |
imagePullSecrets |
An optional list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images | [] |
image.repository |
Container image repo | netdata/netdata |
image.tag |
Container image tag | Latest stable netdata release |
image.pullPolicy |
Container image pull policy | Always |
service.type |
Parent service type | ClusterIP |
service.port |
Parent service port | 19999 |
service.loadBalancerIP |
Static LoadBalancer IP, only to be used with service type=LoadBalancer | "" |
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
List of allowed IPs for LoadBalancer | [] |
service.externalTrafficPolicy |
Denotes if this Service desires to route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints | Cluster |
service.healthCheckNodePort |
Specifies the health check node port | Allocated a port from your cluster's NodePort range |
service.clusterIP |
Specific cluster IP when service type is cluster IP. Use None for headless service |
Allocated an IP from your cluster's service IP range |
service.annotations |
Additional annotations to add to the service | {} |
ingress.enabled |
Create Ingress to access the netdata web UI | true |
ingress.apiVersion |
apiVersion for the Ingress | Depends on Kubernetes version |
ingress.annotations |
Associate annotations to the Ingress | nginx and "true" |
ingress.path |
URL path for the ingress. If changed, a proxy server needs to be configured in front of netdata to translate path from a custom one to a / |
/ |
ingress.pathType |
pathType for your ingress contrller. Default value is correct for nginx. If you use yor own ingress controller, check the correct value | Prefix |
ingress.hosts |
URL hostnames for the ingress (they need to resolve to the external IP of the ingress controller) | netdata.k8s.local |
ingress.spec |
Spec section for ingress object. Everything there will be included into the object on deplyoment | {} |
ingress.spec.ingressClassName |
Ingress class declaration for Kubernetes version 1.19+. Annotation ingress.class should be removed if this type of declaration is used | nginx |
rbac.create |
if true, create & use RBAC resources | true |
rbac.pspEnabled |
Specifies whether a PodSecurityPolicy should be created. | true |
serviceAccount.create |
if true, create a service account | true | |
The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template. | netdata | |
Name of the cluster role linked with the service account | netdata |
The key shared between the parent and the child netdata for streaming | 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555 |
restarter.enabled |
Install CronJob to update Netdata Pods | false |
restarter.schedule |
The schedule in Cron format | 00 06 * * * |
restarter.image.repository |
Container image repo | bitnami/kubectl |
restarter.image.tag |
Container image tag | 1.25 |
restarter.image.pullPolicy |
Container image pull policy | Always |
restarter.image.restartPolicy |
Container restart policy | Never |
restarter.image.resources |
Container resources | {} |
restarter.concurrencyPolicy |
Specifies how to treat concurrent executions of a job | Forbid |
restarter.startingDeadlineSeconds |
Optional deadline in seconds for starting the job if it misses scheduled time for any reason | 60 |
restarter.successfulJobsHistoryLimit |
The number of successful finished jobs to retain | 3 |
restarter.failedJobsHistoryLimit |
The number of failed finished jobs to retain | 3 |
parent.hostname |
Parent node hostname | netdata-parent |
parent.enabled |
Install parent Deployment to receive metrics from children nodes | true |
parent.port |
Parent's listen port | 19999 |
parent.resources |
Resources for the parent deployment | {} |
parent.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated | 0 |
parent.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
When a liveness probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up. Giving up the liveness probe means restarting the container | 3 |
parent.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
How often (in seconds) to perform the liveness probe | 30 |
parent.livenessProbe.successThreshold |
Minimum consecutive successes for the liveness probe to be considered successful after having failed | 1 |
parent.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Number of seconds after which the liveness probe times out | 1 |
parent.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated | 0 |
parent.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
When a readiness probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up. Giving up the readiness probe means marking the Pod Unready | 3 |
parent.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
How often (in seconds) to perform the readiness probe | 30 |
parent.readinessProbe.successThreshold |
Minimum consecutive successes for the readiness probe to be considered successful after having failed | 1 |
parent.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Number of seconds after which the readiness probe times out | 1 |
parent.terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
Duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully | 300 |
parent.nodeSelector |
Node selector for the parent deployment | {} |
parent.tolerations |
Tolerations settings for the parent deployment | [] |
parent.affinity |
Affinity settings for the parent deployment | {} |
parent.priorityClassName |
Pod priority class name for the parent deployment | "" |
parent.database.persistence |
Whether the parent should use a persistent volume for the DB | true |
parent.database.storageclass |
The storage class for the persistent volume claim of the parent's database store, mounted to /var/cache/netdata |
the default storage class |
parent.database.volumesize |
The storage space for the PVC of the parent database | 5Gi |
parent.alarms.persistence |
Whether the parent should use a persistent volume for the alarms log | true |
parent.alarms.storageclass |
The storage class for the persistent volume claim of the parent's alarm log, mounted to /var/lib/netdata |
the default storage class |
parent.alarms.volumesize |
The storage space for the PVC of the parent alarm log | 1Gi |
parent.env |
Set environment parameters for the parent deployment | {} |
parent.envFrom |
Set environment parameters for the parent deployment from ConfigMap and/or Secrets | [] |
parent.podLabels |
Additional labels to add to the parent pods | {} |
parent.podAnnotations |
Additional annotations to add to the parent pods | {} |
parent.dnsPolicy |
DNS policy for pod | Default |
parent.configs |
Manage custom parent's configs | See Configuration files. |
parent.claiming.enabled |
Enable parent claiming for netdata cloud | false |
parent.claiming.token |
Claim token | "" | |
Comma separated list of claim rooms IDs | "" |
parent.extraVolumeMounts |
Additional volumeMounts to add to the parent pods | [] |
parent.extraVolumes |
Additional volumes to add to the parent pods | [] |
k8sState.hostname |
K8s state node hostname | netdata-k8s-state |
k8sState.enabled |
Install this Deployment to gather data from K8s cluster | true |
k8sState.port |
Listen port | service.port (Same as parent's listen port) |
k8sState.resources |
Compute resources required by this Deployment | {} |
k8sState.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated | 0 |
k8sState.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
When a liveness probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up. Giving up the liveness probe means restarting the container | 3 |
k8sState.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
How often (in seconds) to perform the liveness probe | 30 |
k8sState.livenessProbe.successThreshold |
Minimum consecutive successes for the liveness probe to be considered successful after having failed | 1 |
k8sState.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Number of seconds after which the liveness probe times out | 1 |
k8sState.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated | 0 |
k8sState.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
When a readiness probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up. Giving up the readiness probe means marking the Pod Unready | 3 |
k8sState.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
How often (in seconds) to perform the readiness probe | 30 |
k8sState.readinessProbe.successThreshold |
Minimum consecutive successes for the readiness probe to be considered successful after having failed | 1 |
k8sState.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Number of seconds after which the readiness probe times out | 1 |
k8sState.terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
Duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully | 30 |
k8sState.terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
Duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully | 300 |
k8sState.nodeSelector |
Node selector | {} |
k8sState.tolerations |
Tolerations settings | [] |
k8sState.affinity |
Affinity settings | {} |
k8sState.priorityClassName |
Pod priority class name | "" |
k8sState.podLabels |
Additional labels | {} |
k8sState.podAnnotations |
Additional annotations | {} |
k8sState.podAnnotationAppArmor.enabled |
Whether or not to include the AppArmor security annotation | true |
k8sState.dnsPolicy |
DNS policy for pod | ClusterFirstWithHostNet |
k8sState.persistence.enabled |
Whether should use a persistent volume for /var/lib/netdata |
true |
k8sState.persistence.storageclass |
The storage class for the persistent volume claim of /var/lib/netdata |
the default storage class |
k8sState.persistence.volumesize |
The storage space for the PVC of /var/lib/netdata |
1Gi |
k8sState.env |
Set environment parameters | {} |
k8sState.envFrom |
Set environment parameters from ConfigMap and/or Secrets | [] |
k8sState.configs |
Manage custom configs | See Configuration files. |
k8sState.claiming.enabled |
Enable claiming for netdata cloud | false |
k8sState.claiming.token |
Claim token | "" | |
Comma separated list of claim rooms IDs | "" |
k8sState.extraVolumeMounts |
Additional volumeMounts to add to the k8sState pods | [] |
k8sState.extraVolumes |
Additional volumes to add to the k8sState pods | [] |
child.enabled |
Install child DaemonSet to gather data from nodes | true |
child.port |
Children's listen port | service.port (Same as parent's listen port) |
child.updateStrategy |
An update strategy to replace existing DaemonSet pods with new pods | {} |
child.resources |
Resources for the child DaemonSet | {} |
child.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated | 0 |
child.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
When a liveness probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up. Giving up the liveness probe means restarting the container | 3 |
child.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
How often (in seconds) to perform the liveness probe | 30 |
child.livenessProbe.successThreshold |
Minimum consecutive successes for the liveness probe to be considered successful after having failed | 1 |
child.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Number of seconds after which the liveness probe times out | 1 |
child.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated | 0 |
child.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
When a readiness probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up. Giving up the readiness probe means marking the Pod Unready | 3 |
child.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
How often (in seconds) to perform the readiness probe | 30 |
child.readinessProbe.successThreshold |
Minimum consecutive successes for the readiness probe to be considered successful after having failed | 1 |
child.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Number of seconds after which the readiness probe times out | 1 |
child.terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
Duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully | 30 |
child.nodeSelector |
Node selector for the child daemonsets | {} |
child.tolerations |
Tolerations settings for the child daemonsets | - operator: Exists with effect: NoSchedule |
child.affinity |
Affinity settings for the child daemonsets | {} |
child.priorityClassName |
Pod priority class name for the child daemonsets | "" |
child.env |
Set environment parameters for the child daemonset | {} |
child.envFrom |
Set environment parameters for the child daemonset from ConfigMap and/or Secrets | [] |
child.podLabels |
Additional labels to add to the child pods | {} |
child.podAnnotations |
Additional annotations to add to the child pods | {} |
child.hostNetwork |
Usage of host networking and ports | true |
child.dnsPolicy |
DNS policy for pod. Should be ClusterFirstWithHostNet if child.hostNetwork = true |
ClusterFirstWithHostNet |
child.podAnnotationAppArmor.enabled |
Whether or not to include the AppArmor security annotation | true |
child.persistence.hostPath |
Host node directory for storing child instance data | /var/lib/netdata-k8s-child |
child.persistence.enabled |
Whether or not to persist /var/lib/netdata in the child.persistence.hostPath . |
true |
child.podsMetadata.useKubelet |
Send requests to the Kubelet /pods endpoint instead of Kubernetes API server to get pod metadata | false |
child.podsMetadata.kubeletUrl |
Kubelet URL | https://localhost:10250 |
child.configs |
Manage custom child's configs | See Configuration files. |
child.claiming.enabled |
Enable child claiming for netdata cloud | false |
child.claiming.token |
Claim token | "" | |
Comma separated list of claim rooms IDs | "" |
child.extraVolumeMounts |
Additional volumeMounts to add to the child pods | [] |
child.extraVolumes |
Additional volumes to add to the child pods | [] |
notifications.slack.webhook_url |
Slack webhook URL | "" |
notifications.slack.recipient |
Slack recipient list | "" |
initContainersImage.repository |
Init containers' image repository | alpine |
initContainersImage.tag |
Init containers' image tag | latest |
initContainersImage.pullPolicy |
Init containers' image pull policy | Always |
sysctlInitContainer.enabled |
Enable an init container to modify Kernel settings | false |
sysctlInitContainer.command |
sysctl init container command to execute | [] |
sysctlInitContainer.resources |
sysctl Init container CPU/Memory resource requests/limits | {} |
sd.image.repository |
Service-discovery image repo | netdata/agent-sd |
sd.image.tag |
Service-discovery image tag | Latest stable release (e.g. v0.2.2 ) |
sd.image.pullPolicy |
Service-discovery image pull policy | Always |
sd.child.enabled |
Add service-discovery sidecar container to the netdata child pod definition | true |
sd.child.resources |
Child service-discovery container CPU/Memory resource requests/limits | {resources: {limits: {cpu: 50m, memory: 150Mi}, requests: {cpu: 50m, memory: 100Mi}}} | |
Child service-discovery ConfigMap name | netdata-child-sd-config-map |
sd.child.configmap.key |
Child service-discovery ConfigMap key | config.yml |
sd.child.configmap.from.file |
File to use for child service-discovery configuration generation | sdconfig/sd-child.yml |
sd.child.configmap.from.value |
Value to use for child service-discovery configuration generation | {} |
Example to set the parameters from the command line:
$ helm install ./netdata --name my-release \
--set notifications.slack.webhook_url=MySlackAPIURL \
--set notifications.slack.recipient="@MyUser MyChannel"
Another example, to set a different ingress controller.
By default
set to use nginx
as an ingress controller, but you can set Traefik
as your
ingress controller by setting ingress.annotations
$ helm install ./netdata --name my-release \
--set traefik
Alternatively to passing each variable in the command line, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,
$ helm install ./netdata --name my-release -f values.yaml
Tip: You can use the default values.yaml
Note:: To opt out of anonymous statistics, set the
environment variable to non-zero or non-empty value inparent.env
configuration (e.g:DO_NOT_TRACK: 1
) or uncomment the line invalues.yml
Parameter | Description | Default |
parent.configs.netdata |
Contents of the parent's netdata.conf |
memory mode = dbengine | |
Contents of the parent's stream.conf |
Store child data, accept all connections, and issue alarms for child data. | |
Contents of health_alarm_notify.conf |
Email disabled, a sample of the required settings for Slack notifications |
parent.configs.exporting |
Contents of exporting.conf |
Disabled |
k8sState.configs.netdata |
Contents of netdata.conf |
No persistent storage, no alarms | |
Contents of stream.conf |
Send metrics to the parent at netdata:{{ service.port }} |
k8sState.configs.exporting |
Contents of exporting.conf |
Disabled |
k8sState.configs.go.d |
Contents of go.d.conf |
Only k8s_state enabled |
k8sState.configs.go.d-k8s_state |
Contents of go.d/k8s_state.conf |
k8s_state configuration |
child.configs.netdata |
Contents of the child's netdata.conf |
No persistent storage, no alarms, no UI | |
Contents of the child's stream.conf |
Send metrics to the parent at netdata:{{ service.port }} |
child.configs.exporting |
Contents of the child's exporting.conf |
Disabled |
child.configs.kubelet |
Contents of the child's go.d/k8s_kubelet.conf that drives the kubelet collector |
Update metrics every sec, do not retry to detect the endpoint, look for the kubelet metrics at |
child.configs.kubeproxy |
Contents of the child's go.d/k8s_kubeproxy.conf that drives the kubeproxy collector |
Update metrics every sec, do not retry to detect the endpoint, look for the coredns metrics at |
To deploy additional netdata user configuration files, you will need to add similar entries to either
the parent.configs
or the child.configs
arrays. Regardless of whether you add config files that reside directly
under /etc/netdata
or in a subdirectory such as /etc/netdata/go.d
, you can use the already provided configurations
as reference. For reference, the parent.configs
the array includes an example
alarm that would get triggered if the
python.d example
module was enabled. Whenever you pass the sensitive data to your configuration like the database
credential you can take an option to put it into the Kubernetes Secret by specifying storedType: secret
in the
selected configuration. Default all the configuration will be placed in the Kubernetes configmap.
Note that with the default configuration of this chart, the parent does the health checks and triggers alarms, but does
not collect much data. As a result, the only other configuration files that might make sense to add to the parent are
the alarm and alarm template definitions, under /etc/netdata/health.d
Tip: Do pay attention to the indentation of the config file contents, as it matters for the parsing of the
file. Note that the first line undervar: |
must be indented with two more spaces relative to the preceding line:
data: |-
config line 1 #Need those two spaces
config line 2 #No problem indenting more here
There are two different persistent volumes on parent
node by design (not counting any Configmap/Secret mounts). Both
can be used, but they don't have to be. Keep in mind that whenever persistent volumes for parent
are not used, all the
data for specific PV is lost in case of pod removal.
- database (
) - all metrics data is stored here. Performance of this volume affects query timings. - alarms (
) - alarm log, if not persistent pod recreation will result in parent appearing as a new node
(due to./registry/
being removed).
In case of child
instance it is a bit simpler. By default, hostPath: /var/lib/netdata-k8s-child
is mounted on child
in: /var/lib/netdata
. You can disable it but this option is pretty much required in a real life scenario, as without
it each pod deletion will result in new replication node for a parent.
Netdata's service discovery, which is installed as part of the Helm chart installation, finds what services are running on a cluster's pods, converts that into configuration files, and exports them, so they can be monitored.
Service discovery currently supports the following applications via their associated collector:
- ActiveMQ
- Apache
- Bind
- CockroachDB
- Consul
- CoreDNS
- Elasticsearch
- Fluentd
- Lighttpd
- Logstash
- OpenVPN
- RabbitMQ
- Solr
- Tengine
- Unbound
- VerneMQ
- ZooKeeper
Service discovery supports Prometheus endpoints via the Prometheus collector.
Annotations on pods allow a fine control of the scraping process:
: The default configuration will scrape all pods and, if set to false, this annotation excludes the pod from the scraping
: If the metrics path is not /metrics, define it with this
: Scrape the pod on the indicated port instead of the pod’s declared ports.
If your cluster runs services on non-default ports or uses non-default names, you may need to configure service discovery to start collecting metrics from your services. You have to edit the default ConfigMap that is shipped with the Helmchart and deploy that to your cluster.
First, copy netdata-helmchart/sdconfig/child.yml
to a new location outside the netdata-helmchart
directory. The
destination can be anywhere you like, but the following examples assume it resides next to the netdata-helmchart
cp netdata-helmchart/sdconfig/child.yml .
Edit the new child.yml
file according to your needs. See
the Helm chart configuration and the file itself for details. You
can then run
helm install
/helm upgrade
with the --set-file
argument to use your configured child.yml
file instead of the
default, changing the path if you copied it elsewhere.
helm install --set-file sd.child.configmap.from.value=./child.yml netdata ./netdata-helmchart/charts/netdata
helm upgrade --set-file sd.child.configmap.from.value=./child.yml netdata ./netdata-helmchart/charts/netdata
Now that you pushed an edited ConfigMap to your cluster, service discovery should find and set up metrics collection from your non-default service.
Occasionally, you will want to add
specific labels
and annotations to the parent and/or
child pods. You might want to do this to tell other applications on the cluster how to treat your pods, or simply to
categorize applications on your cluster. You can label and annotate the parent and child pods by using the podLabels
and podAnnotations
dictionaries under the parent
and child
objects, respectively.
For example, suppose you're installing Netdata on all your database nodes, and you'd like the child pods to be labeled
with workload: database
so that you're able to recognize this.
At the same time, say you've configured chaoskube to kill
all pods annotated with true
, and you'd like chaoskube to be enabled for the parent pod but not
the childs.
You would do this by installing as:
$ helm install \
--set child.podLabels.workload=database \
--set 'child.podAnnotations.chaoskube\.io/enabled=false' \
--set 'parent.podAnnotations.chaoskube\.io/enabled=true' \
netdata ./netdata-helmchart/charts/netdata
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- Take a look at our Contributing Guidelines.
- This repository is under the Netdata Code Of Conduct.
- Chat about your contribution and let us help you in our forum!