Picasarts is an all-in-one financial solution for NFTs founded by Jacob Duong and James Ta. After the project was discontinued, it was transferred to me (neitdung) and I continued to develop this project into my graduation project.
- Create or import existing collection
- Mint NFTs
- Buy/Sell/Auction NFTs
- Use NFT as loan collateral
- Rent NFT
- Multiple accecpeted tokens
- Platform governance for manage artists, whitelist user, whitelist tokens and futher features
This system consists of 4 main components as below:
You can follow each document for install and deploy project:
- Run BTFS
- Compile and deploy smart contract smart contracts and get address json file (smart contract addresses) and abis.
- Use address json file and abis to run server tracker
- Use address json file and abis to Frontend
This is details of thesis: