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Restaurant table management web application. To be used from a tactile screen no less than 7.9 inches horizontally.



  • User: admin

  • Password: admin


  • User: user

  • Password: user

Authors since V2

  • Alonso, Juan Manuel
  • Cifuentes, Ignacio

Authors up to V2

  • Alonso, Juan Manuel
  • Capparelli, Martín
  • Cifuentes, Ignacio
  • Nielavitzky, Ioni Zelig

Version Log

V1 (427615a8e0d2cbe8c96b8b6a173bdf16a71fad35)

  • Views with JSP
  • Persistence with JDBC

V2 (80e2d61f9a570613b4a8ca4f41cc8b3c3284f8d7)

  • Changed Persistence to Hibernate
  • Change DB structure (@see migrations note)

V3 ()

Screen Resolutions Supported

  • 1024x768
  • 1366x768

DB Migrations V1 to V2

Migration queries should be run on database BEFORE deploying V2 release. Queries should prepare database for new structure and migrate information, afterwards hibernate will generate missing constraints, foreigein keys and else.

Structure Queries

ALTER TABLE public.dishes ADD minStock int DEFAULT 0 NULL;
ALTER TABLE public.dishes ALTER COLUMN name TYPE varchar(25) USING name::varchar(25);
ALTER TABLE public.dishes ALTER COLUMN price TYPE real USING price::real;
ALTER TABLE public.users ALTER COLUMN userid TYPE bigint USING userid::bigint;
ALTER TABLE public.user_roles RENAME COLUMN role TO roles;
ALTER TABLE public.user_roles ALTER COLUMN roles TYPE varchar(255) USING roles::varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE public.tables ALTER COLUMN name TYPE varchar(20) USING name::varchar(20);
ALTER TABLE public.tables RENAME COLUMN statusid TO status;
ALTER TABLE public.tables RENAME COLUMN orderid TO order_id;
ALTER TABLE public.tables ALTER COLUMN order_id TYPE bigint USING order_id::bigint;
create table order_donedishes
  order_id       bigint  not null,
  donedishes     integer,
  donedishes_key integer not null,
  constraint order_donedishes_pkey
  primary key (order_id, donedishes_key)
ALTER TABLE public.orders RENAME COLUMN orderid TO id;
ALTER TABLE public.orders ALTER COLUMN id TYPE bigint USING id::bigint;
ALTER TABLE public.orders ALTER COLUMN openedat TYPE timestamp USING openedat::timestamp;
ALTER TABLE public.orders ALTER COLUMN closedat TYPE timestamp USING closedat::timestamp;
ALTER TABLE public.orders RENAME COLUMN statusid TO status;
ALTER TABLE public.orders ALTER COLUMN total TYPE real USING total::real;
ALTER TABLE public.orders_items RENAME COLUMN orderid TO order_id;
ALTER TABLE public.orders_items ALTER COLUMN order_id TYPE bigint USING order_id::bigint;
ALTER TABLE public.orders_items RENAME COLUMN dishid TO undonedishes_key;
ALTER TABLE public.orders_items RENAME COLUMN quantity TO undonedishes;
ALTER TABLE public.orders_items RENAME TO order_undonedishes;
ALTER TABLE public.user_roles RENAME TO user_role;
ALTER TABLE public.users ALTER COLUMN username TYPE varchar(40) USING username::varchar(40);
-- Migrate table status enum value
UPDATE tables SET status = status-1;

-- Migrate order status enum values
UPDATE orders SET status = status-1;

DB Migrations V2 to V3

Migration queries should be run on database running V2 and BEFORE deploying V3 release. Queries should prepare database for new structure and migrate information, afterwards hibernate will generate missing constraints, foreign keys and else.

alter table dishes add discontinued boolean default false not null;
alter table order_undonedishes add amount integer not null default 0;
alter table order_undonedishes add orderedat timestamp;
drop table orders_items;


For development go to /reactUI/src/conf.js and setup the location of the development server with CORS enabled. Generally it will be http://localhost:8080. Then start tomcat and get working :)


For production build go to /reactUI/src/conf.js and set all API data to production API. On package.json set the field homepage to the url where SPA will be hosted. Navigate to /reactUI and run npm run build. Then copy recursively all content from /reactUI/* to /webapp/src/main/webapp. Finally on the root folder of the project package the application with mvn package. The final war will be in /webapp/target/webapp.war


  • month picker at stats graphs

  • handle api responses on a more detailed way screen by screen instead of globaly.

  • change password on user (currently delete and create new user because no history of user is stored)

  • add dish by category


No description, website, or topics provided.






No packages published

Contributors 4

