Efficient Search of Neighboring Particles
The criteria L/M > interactionRadius
changes to L/M > interactionRadius + 2 * maximumParticleRadius
Given L=20
, interactionRadius=1
and particleRadius=0.25
and the previous criteria,
matrix size M
is bounded as M < 40/3 = 13,33
In this sense, tests were made for different values of M and N.
For a greater density, a greater M is better. M = 13 is the optimum M for these tests.
mvn package
python StaticAndDynamicGenerator.py
java -jar tp1-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- -h, --help: Prints usage infp.
- -M, --matrix <size>: Size of the squared matrix.
- -r, --radius <double>: Interaction radius.
- --pbc: Enable periodic boundary conditions.
- --bf: Enable brute force algorithm.
- --staticFile <path>: Path to static file.
- --dynamicFile <path>: Path to dynamic file.
The simulation's results (execution time and list of neighbours for each particle) are printed to stdout. If you wish, you can redirect the output to a txt file:
java -jar target/tp1-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --pbc=true --dynamicFile=random/Dynamic-5.txt --staticFile=random/Static-5.txt --radius=3.0 > output.txt
The file animation.m
provides of a function that animates the simulation's results:
- static_file: Path to static file.
- dynamic_file: Path to dynamic file.
- output_file: Path to output file.
- M: MxM matrix size.
- particle_id: a certain particle id to view with its neighbors.
animation('./random/Static-5.txt','./random/Dynamic-5.txt','./output.txt', 20, 43);