Command Line Interface and Python classes for interacting with MyTardis's REST API.
pip install mytardisclient
Install latest development version:
pip install git+
Determine the location of the configuration file where the MyTardis URL is specified:
>>> from mtclient.conf import config >>> config.path '/Users/james/.config/mytardisclient/mytardisclient.cfg' >>> config.url ''
Use mytardisclient's Dataset model class to look up a public dataset (with ID 125) from the MyTardis server, using its RESTful API:
>>> from mtclient.models.dataset import Dataset >>> Dataset.objects.get(id=125) <Dataset: Test Public Dataset1>
The syntax is intended to be similar to Django ORM syntax, however it is not nearly as powerful yet.
Tests can be run with:
pytest --cov=mtclient
pytest --cov=mtclient --cov-report=html
Documentation can be built with:
cd docs/ make html