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Issues: mozilla/burnham

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Issues list

Update machine image in use bug Bugs and problems with burnham CircleCI Tasks related to managing CircleCI
#373 opened Feb 16, 2022 by badboy
Automate Glean upgrades and update Dependabot interval 📦 Dependabot Tasks related to managing Dependabot dependencies Tasks related to managing dependencies discussion Issues for discussing ideas for features glean-sdk Issues and pull-requests related to the Glean SDK
#278 opened Oct 5, 2021 by hackebrot
Dependabot submits pull requests with incompatible versions 📦 bug Bugs and problems with burnham Dependabot Tasks related to managing Dependabot dependencies Tasks related to managing dependencies
#255 opened Sep 3, 2021 by hackebrot
Should Burnham use the client activity API? application Tasks related to the application component capability New capability for burnham or burnham-bigquery discussion Issues for discussing ideas for features
#148 opened Feb 1, 2021 by badboy
Update code checks for burnham and burnham-bigquery 🤖 CircleCI Tasks related to managing CircleCI code quality Tasks related to linting, coding style, type checks docker Tasks related to building Docker images
#93 opened Oct 20, 2020 by hackebrot
Testing new and upcoming Glean SDK releases discussion Issues for discussing ideas for features glean-sdk Issues and pull-requests related to the Glean SDK
#76 opened Sep 30, 2020 by hackebrot
Test that pings are deleted following deletion-request capability New capability for burnham or burnham-bigquery discussion Issues for discussing ideas for features test scenario New end-to-end test scenario
#55 opened Jul 13, 2020 by hackebrot Future work
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