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feat: render pipeline plugin and spherical harmonics/gaussian shaders
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mosure committed Sep 28, 2023
1 parent 65ff04f commit fa9dbf6
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Showing 6 changed files with 286 additions and 10 deletions.
9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ const fn num_sh_coefficients(degree: usize) -> usize {
const SH_DEGREE: usize = 3;
pub const SH_COEFF_COUNT: usize = num_sh_coefficients(SH_DEGREE) * 3;
pub const MAX_SH_COEFF_COUNT: usize = num_sh_coefficients(SH_DEGREE) * 3;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Reflect)]
pub struct SphericalHarmonicCoefficients {
pub coefficients: [Vec3; SH_COEFF_COUNT],
pub coefficients: [Vec3; MAX_SH_COEFF_COUNT],
impl Default for SphericalHarmonicCoefficients {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
coefficients: [Vec3::ZERO; SH_COEFF_COUNT],
coefficients: [Vec3::ZERO; MAX_SH_COEFF_COUNT],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,9 +74,6 @@ impl AssetLoader for GaussianCloudLoader {
let ply_cloud = parse_ply(&mut f)?;
let cloud = GaussianCloud(ply_cloud);

println!("loaded {} gaussians", cloud.0.len());
println!("first gaussian: {:?}", cloud.0[1000]);

Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/
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Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,11 @@ use gaussian::{

use render::RenderPipelinePlugin;

pub mod gaussian;
pub mod ply;
pub mod render;
pub mod utils;

Expand All @@ -24,6 +27,8 @@ impl Plugin for GaussianSplattingPlugin {

// TODO: setup render pipeline and add GaussianSplattingBundle system

// TODO: add GaussianSplattingBundle system
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use ply_rs::{

use crate::gaussian::{

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ impl PropertyAccess for Gaussian {
("rot_3", Property::Float(v)) => self.transform.rotation.w = v,
(_, Property::Float(v)) if key.starts_with("f_rest_") => {
let i = key[7..].parse::<usize>().unwrap();
let sh_upper_bound = SH_COEFF_COUNT - 3;
let sh_upper_bound = MAX_SH_COEFF_COUNT - 3;

match i {
_ if i < sh_upper_bound => {
Expand Down
178 changes: 177 additions & 1 deletion src/render/gaussian.wgsl
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@@ -1 +1,177 @@
// TODO: fragment shader material for gaussians
#import bevy_gaussian_splatting::spherical_harmonics compute_color_from_sh_3_degree

struct GaussianInput {
@location(0) position: vec3<f32>,
@location(1) log_scale: vec3<f32>,
@location(2) rot: vec4<f32>,
@location(3) opacity_logit: f32,
sh: array<vec3<f32>, n_sh_coeffs>,

struct GaussianOutput {
@builtin(position) position: vec4<f32>,
@location(0) color: vec3<f32>,
@location(1) uv: vec2<f32>,
@location(2) conic_and_opacity: vec4<f32>,

struct SceneUniforms {
viewMatrix: mat4x4<f32>,
projMatrix: mat4x4<f32>,
camera_position: vec3<f32>,
tan_fovx: f32,
tan_fovy: f32,
focal_x: f32,
focal_y: f32,
scale_modifier: f32,

fn sigmoid(x: f32) -> f32 {
if (x >= 0.0) {
return 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x));
} else {
let z = exp(x);
return z / (1.0 + z);

fn compute_cov3d(log_scale: vec3<f32>, rot: vec4<f32>) -> array<f32, 6> {
let modifier = uniforms.scale_modifier;
let S = mat3x3<f32>(
exp(log_scale.x) * modifier, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, exp(log_scale.y) * modifier, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, exp(log_scale.z) * modifier,

let r = rot.x;
let x = rot.y;
let y = rot.z;
let z = rot.w;

let R = mat3x3<f32>(
1.0 - 2.0 * (y * y + z * z), 2.0 * (x * y - r * z), 2.0 * (x * z + r * y),
2.0 * (x * y + r * z), 1.0 - 2.0 * (x * x + z * z), 2.0 * (y * z - r * x),
2.0 * (x * z - r * y), 2.0 * (y * z + r * x), 1.0 - 2.0 * (x * x + y * y),

let M = S * R;
let Sigma = transpose(M) * M;

return array<f32, 6>(

fn ndc2pix(v: f32, size: u32) -> f32 {
return ((v + 1.0) * f32(size) - 1.0) * 0.5;

fn compute_cov2d(position: vec3<f32>, log_scale: vec3<f32>, rot: vec4<f32>) -> vec3<f32> {
let cov3d = compute_cov3d(log_scale, rot);

var t = uniforms.viewMatrix * vec4<f32>(position, 1.0);

let limx = 1.3 * uniforms.tan_fovx;
let limy = 1.3 * uniforms.tan_fovy;
let txtz = t.x / t.z;
let tytz = t.y / t.z;

t.x = min(limx, max(-limx, txtz)) * t.z;
t.y = min(limy, max(-limy, tytz)) * t.z;

let J = mat4x4(
uniforms.focal_x / t.z, 0.0, -(uniforms.focal_x * t.x) / (t.z * t.z), 0.0,
0.0, uniforms.focal_y / t.z, -(uniforms.focal_y * t.y) / (t.z * t.z), 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

let W = transpose(uniforms.viewMatrix);

let T = W * J;

let Vrk = mat4x4(
cov3d[0], cov3d[1], cov3d[2], 0.0,
cov3d[1], cov3d[3], cov3d[4], 0.0,
cov3d[2], cov3d[4], cov3d[5], 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,

var cov = transpose(T) * transpose(Vrk) * T;

// Apply low-pass filter: every Gaussian should be at least
// one pixel wide/high. Discard 3rd row and column.
cov[0][0] += 0.3;
cov[1][1] += 0.3;

return vec3<f32>(cov[0][0], cov[0][1], cov[1][1]);

@binding(0) @group(0) var<uniform> uniforms: SceneUniforms;
@binding(1) @group(1) var<storage, read> points: array<GaussianInput>;

const quadVertices = array<vec2<f32>, 6>(
vec2<f32>(-1.0, -1.0),
vec2<f32>(-1.0, 1.0),
vec2<f32>(1.0, -1.0),
vec2<f32>(1.0, 1.0),
vec2<f32>(-1.0, 1.0),
vec2<f32>(1.0, -1.0),

fn vs_points(@builtin(vertex_index) vertex_index: u32) -> GaussianOutput {
var output: GaussianOutput;
let pointIndex = vertex_index / 6u;
let quadIndex = vertex_index % 6u;
let quadOffset = quadVertices[quadIndex];
let point = points[pointIndex];

let cov2d = compute_cov2d(point.position, point.log_scale, point.rot);
let det = cov2d.x * cov2d.z - cov2d.y * cov2d.y;
let det_inv = 1.0 / det;
let conic = vec3<f32>(cov2d.z * det_inv, -cov2d.y * det_inv, cov2d.x * det_inv);
let mid = 0.5 * (cov2d.x + cov2d.z);
let lambda_1 = mid + sqrt(max(0.1, mid * mid - det));
let lambda_2 = mid - sqrt(max(0.1, mid * mid - det));
let radius_px = ceil(3.0 * sqrt(max(lambda_1, lambda_2)));
let radius_ndc = vec2<f32>(
radius_px / (canvas_height),
radius_px / (canvas_width),
output.conic_and_opacity = vec4<f32>(conic, sigmoid(point.opacity_logit));

var projPosition = uniforms.projMatrix * vec4<f32>(point.position, 1.0);
projPosition = projPosition / projPosition.w;
output.position = vec4<f32>(projPosition.xy + 2 * radius_ndc * quadOffset,;
output.color = compute_color_from_sh_3_degree(point.position,;
output.uv = radius_px * quadOffset;

return output;

fn fs_main(input: PointOutput) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
// we want the distance from the gaussian to the fragment while uv
// is the reverse
let d = -input.uv;
let conic =;
let power = -0.5 * (conic.x * d.x * d.x + conic.z * d.y * d.y) + conic.y * d.x * d.y;
let opacity = input.conic_and_opacity.w;

if (power > 0.0) {

let alpha = min(0.99, opacity * exp(power));

return vec4<f32>(input.color * alpha, alpha);
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions src/render/
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@@ -1 +1,36 @@
use bevy::{

const GAUSSIAN_SHADER_HANDLE: HandleUntyped = HandleUntyped::weak_from_u64(Shader::TYPE_UUID, 68294581);
const SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_SHADER_HANDLE: HandleUntyped = HandleUntyped::weak_from_u64(Shader::TYPE_UUID, 834667312);

pub struct RenderPipelinePlugin;

impl Plugin for RenderPipelinePlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {


// TODO: implement gaussian cloud render pipeline
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions src/render/spherical_harmonics.wgsl
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@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#define_import_path bevy_gaussian_splatting::spherical_harmonics

const SH_C0 = 0.28209479177387814f;
const SH_C1 = 0.4886025119029199f;
const SH_C2 = array(
const SH_C3 = array(

fn compute_color_from_sh_3_degree(position: vec3<f32>, sh: array<vec3<f32>, 16>) -> vec3<f32> {
let dir = normalize(position - uniforms.camera_position);
var result = SH_C0 * sh[0];

// if deg > 0
let x = dir.x;
let y = dir.y;
let z = dir.z;

result = result + SH_C1 * (-y * sh[1] + z * sh[2] - x * sh[3]);

let xx = x * x;
let yy = y * y;
let zz = z * z;
let xy = x * y;
let xz = x * z;
let yz = y * z;

// if (sh_degree > 1) {
result = result +
SH_C2[0] * xy * sh[4] +
SH_C2[1] * yz * sh[5] +
SH_C2[2] * (2. * zz - xx - yy) * sh[6] +
SH_C2[3] * xz * sh[7] +
SH_C2[4] * (xx - yy) * sh[8];

// if (sh_degree > 2) {
result = result +
SH_C3[0] * y * (3. * xx - yy) * sh[9] +
SH_C3[1] * xy * z * sh[10] +
SH_C3[2] * y * (4. * zz - xx - yy) * sh[11] +
SH_C3[3] * z * (2. * zz - 3. * xx - 3. * yy) * sh[12] +
SH_C3[4] * x * (4. * zz - xx - yy) * sh[13] +
SH_C3[5] * z * (xx - yy) * sh[14] +
SH_C3[6] * x * (xx - 3. * yy) * sh[15];

// unconditional
result = result + 0.5;

return max(result, vec3<f32>(0.));

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