Official Java client for the MonkeyLearn API. Build and consume machine learning models for language processing from your Java apps.
Using maven:
Or if you want to compile it yourself:
$ git clone [email protected]:monkeylearn/monkeylearn-java
$ cd monkeylearn-java
$ mvn install # Requires maven, download from
You can also download the compiled jar from here.
Here are some examples of how to use the library in order to create and use classifiers:
import com.monkeylearn.MonkeyLearn;
import com.monkeylearn.MonkeyLearnResponse;
import com.monkeylearn.MonkeyLearnException;
import com.monkeylearn.Tuple;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class App {
public static void main( String[] args ) throws MonkeyLearnException {
// Use the API key from your account
MonkeyLearn ml = new MonkeyLearn("<YOUR API KEY HERE>");
// Create a new classifier
MonkeyLearnResponse res = ml.classifiers.create("Test Classifier", "Some description");
// Get the id of the new module
String moduleId = (String) ((JSONObject)res.jsonResult.get("classifier")).get("hashed_id");
// Get the id of the root node
res = ml.classifiers.detail(moduleId);
Integer rootId = ((Long) ((JSONObject)((JSONArray)res.jsonResult.get("sandbox_categories")).get(0)).get("id")).intValue();
// Create two new categories on the root node
res = ml.classifiers.categories.create(moduleId, "Negative", rootId);
Integer negativeId = ((Long) ((JSONObject)res.jsonResult.get("category")).get("id")).intValue();
res = ml.classifiers.categories.create(moduleId, "Positive", rootId);
Integer positiveId = ((Long) ((JSONObject)res.jsonResult.get("category")).get("id")).intValue();
// Now let's upload some samples
ArrayList samples = new ArrayList();
samples.add(new Tuple<String, Integer>("The movie was terrible, I hated it.", negativeId));
samples.add(new Tuple<String, Integer>("I love this movie, I want to watch it again!", positiveId));
res = ml.classifiers.uploadSamples(moduleId, samples);
// Now let's train the module!
res = ml.classifiers.train(moduleId);
// Classify some texts
String[] textList = {"I love the movie", "I hate the movie"};
res = ml.classifiers.classify(moduleId, textList, true);
System.out.println( res.arrayResult );
You can also use the sdk with extractors:
import com.monkeylearn.MonkeyLearn;
import com.monkeylearn.MonkeyLearnResponse;
import com.monkeylearn.MonkeyLearnException;
import com.monkeylearn.Tuple;
import com.monkeylearn.ExtraParam;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class App {
public static void main( String[] args ) throws MonkeyLearnException {
// Use the API key from your account
MonkeyLearn ml = new MonkeyLearn("<YOUR API KEY HERE>");
// Use the keyword extractor
String[] textList = {"I love the movie", "I hate the movie"};
ExtraParam[] extraParams = {new ExtraParam("max_keywords", "30")};
MonkeyLearnResponse res = ml.extractors.extract("ex_y7BPYzNG", textList, extraParams);
System.out.println( res.arrayResult );