is a library for implementing fast, 2-way URL routing in Clojure web applications.
The library allows you to separate the core routing implementation (handled by clj-routing
) from the interface or DSL for describing routes (typically handled by a web framework).
(use 'clj-routing.core)
(def routes
[[:index-bars :get "/foo/bars" ]
[:show-bar :get "/foo/bars/:id" ]
[:create-bat :put "/foo/bars" ]
[:with-conds :get "/foo/:action" {:action "biz|bats"} ]
[:catch-all :any "/:path" {:path ".*"} ]])
(def generate (compiled-generator routes))
(def recognize (compiled-recognizer routes))
(generate :index-bars)
=> [:get "/foo/bars" nil]
(generate :show-bar {:id "theid"})
=> [:get "/foo/bars/theid" {}]
(generate :show-bar {:id "theid" :more "extra"})
=> [:get "/foo/bars/theid" {:more "extra"}]
(generate :show-bar)
=> Exception: "Missing param: :id"
(generate :foo-bar)
=> Exception: "Unrecognized route name: :foo-bar"
(recognize :get "/foo/bars")
=> [:index-bars {}]
(recognize :get "/foo/bars/bat")
=> [:show-bar {:id "bat"}]
(recognize :get "/foo/biz")
=> [:with-conds {:action "biz"}]
(recognize :get "/foo/fiz")
=> [:catch-all {:path "foo/fiz"}]
(recognize :foo "/foo/bars")
=> Exception: "Unrecognized method: :foo"
Please see the clj-routing.core
docstring and the clj-routing.core-test
code for additional documentation.
Copyright (c) 2009 Mark McGranaghan and released under an MIT license.