Easily setup a Raspberry Pi to act as TimeMachine aka. TimeCapsule
You need to have an USB device plugged in to the system. If not script will exit.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mko-x/raspberry-timemachine/master/setup.sh && ./setup.sh
Allow enable limit time machine's volume size via environment variable TM_VOLUME_LIMIT_ENABLED CAVEAT: You MUST provide a size with environment variable TM_VOLUME_LIMIT_SIZE_MB
e.g. limit of 100GB = 1024 * 100 MB = 102400
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mko-x/raspberry-timemachine/master/setup.sh && \
TM_VOLUME_LIMIT_SIZE_MB=102400 ./setup.sh
Important: You need to allow unsupported devices.
defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1
Find your new TimeMachine in System Settings > TimeMachine > Select disk...