GNU/Linux system configuration using Hyprland as compositor (Legacy Mode: bspwm)
Instant access to your preferred prompt
Quickly launch projects
setTheme ~/path/to/some/wallpaper.jpg
TODO: Create demos for more features.
- kitty
- zsh
- rofi
- dunst
- Hyprland
- waybar
- wlogout
- bspwm
- polybar
- picom
- pywal
- sxhkd
- i3-lock
For a complete list look into _install/arch-pkglist
hypr = ctrl + alt + super
hypr + return
open terminal
super + d
app launcher
strg + [0-9]
to switch desktops
hypr + [0-9]
send to window + switch
hypr + arrow
switch focus
ctrl + super + arrow
swap windows
super + q
close focused window
super + c
vscode projects launcher
super + k
toggle KeepassXC
super + a
toggle sticky kitty
hypr + brightnessUp
set max brightness
hypr + brightnessDown
set min brightness
Legacy Mode:
alt + super + return
to open bottom overlay terminal (bspwm only)
super + h
display rest of the key-bindings