Welcome to this repository that offers a demonstration to test, build , and local deployment of a basic Cloud Run API service to Google Cloud Platform environment.
The main features of this repository include:
- Local CLI deployment of a single service housing two distinct API endpoints via GCP CloudBuild.
- The first endpoint functions as a fundamental health check.
- The second endpoint facilitates an asynchronous, fund transfer transaction process. This process seamlessly integrates the PubSub messaging service and the Datastore NoSQL document database for efficient communication and data storage.
- Python
- Docker
- GCP (deployment)
Run docker-compose command to build and spin up main app, pubsub emulator and datastore emulator containers.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
Run unit test on the docker container
docker exec mloh-sandbox /bin/sh -c "poetry run pytest /home/appuser/tests/unit_tests/ -disable-warnings -vv -s
integration test on the docker container
docker exec mloh-sandbox /bin/sh -c "poetry run pytest /home/appuser/tests/unit_tests/ -disable-warnings -vv -s
gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}
The CloudBuild job tests and builds the docker image and push it to Google Artifact Registry (GAR) which is run by Cloud Run Service later on.
SHORT_HASH=$(echo -n "$timestamp" | shasum | cut -c 1-8)
gcloud builds submit --config=infra/cloudbuild.yaml --region=${REGION} \
--substitutions \_WORKER_POOL=${WORKER_POOL},\
Rename /infra/cloudrun/service-template.yaml
to service.yaml
Replace the variables required for deployments. e.g. PROJECT_ID, LOCATION, etc.
gcloud run services replace infra/cloudrun/service.yaml