Ansible role for Alertmanager Bot. Currently this works on Debian and RedHat based linux systems (only systemd support). Tested platforms are:
- Ubuntu 16.04
- CentOS 7
- Debian 9
- Debian 10
No special requirements; note that this role requires root access, so either run it in a playbook with a global become: yes
The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows. (For all variables, take a look at defaults/main.yml)
alertmanager_bot_version: 0.4.0
version for installation
alertmanager_bot_telegram_token: 123456
telegram bot token - is required
- 1
- 2
list of telegram user id for admin accounts - is required
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: alertmanager-bot
- role: mbaran0v.alertmanager-bot
This role was created in 2018 by Maxim Baranov.