FastText4j implementing FastText with Kotlin&Java. Fasttext is a library for text representation and classification by facebookresearch.
FastText4j是java&kotlin开发的fasttext算法库。Fasttext 是由facebookresearch开发的一个文本分类和词向量的库。
代码迁移至Mynlp项目 。
New code move to Mynlp project
- Implementing with java(kotlin)
- Well-designed API
- Compatible with original C++ model file (include quantizer compression model)
- Provides train、test etc. api (almost the same performance)
- Support for java file formats( can read file use mmap),read big model file with less memory
- 100%由kotlin&java实现
- 良好的API
- 兼容官方原版的预训练模型
- 提供所有的包括train、test等api
- 支持自有模型存储格式,可以使用MMAP快速加载大模型
compile 'com.mayabot.mynlp:fastText4j:3.1.2'
File trainFile = new File("data/agnews/ag.train");
InputArgs inputArgs = new InputArgs();
FastText model = FastText.trainSupervised(trainFile, inputArgs);
- loss 损失函数
- hs 分层softmax.比完全softmax慢一点。 分层softmax是完全softmax损失的近似值,它允许有效地训练大量类。 还请注意,这种损失函数被认为是针对不平衡的label class,即某些label比其他label更多出现在样本。 如果您的数据集每个label的示例数量均衡,则值得尝试使用负采样损失(-loss ns -neg 100)。
- ns NegativeSamplingLoss 负采样
- softmax default for Supervised model
- ova one-vs-all 可用于多分类.“OneVsAll” loss function for multi-label classification, which corresponds to the sum of binary cross-entropy computed independently for each label.
- lr 学习率learn rate
- dim 向量维度
- epoch 迭代次数 训练数据格式:
where train.txt is a text file containing a training sentence per line along with the labels. By default, we assume that labels are words that are prefixed by the string label. This will output two files: model.bin and model.vec. Once the model was trained, you can evaluate it by computing the precision and recall at k (P@k and R@k) on a test set using:
__label__tag1 saints rally to beat 49ers the new orleans saints survived it all hurricane ivan
__label__积极 这个 商品 很 好 用 。
File trainFile = new File("data/agnews/ag.train");
InputArgs inputArgs = new InputArgs();
FastText model = FastText.trainSupervised(trainFile, inputArgs);
model.test(new File("data/agnews/ag.test"),1,0,true);
F1-Score : 0.968954 Precision : 0.960683 Recall : 0.977368 __label__2
F1-Score : 0.882043 Precision : 0.882508 Recall : 0.881579 __label__3
F1-Score : 0.890173 Precision : 0.888772 Recall : 0.891579 __label__4
F1-Score : 0.917353 Precision : 0.926463 Recall : 0.908421 __label__1
N 7600
P@1 0.915
R@1 0.915
FastText model = FastText.trainSupervised(trainFile, inputArgs);
model.saveModel(new File("path/data.model"));
//load from java format
FastText model = FastText.Companion.loadModel(new File(""),false);
//load from c++ format
FastText model = FastText.Companion.loadCppModel(new File("path/wiki.bin"))
//load from java format
FastText qmodel = model.quantize(2, false, false);
List<ScoreLabelPair> result = model.predict(Arrays.asList("fastText 在 预测 标签 时 使用 了 非线性 激活 函数".split(" ")), 5,0);
List<ScoreLabelPair> result = model.nearestNeighbor("中国",5);
By giving three words A, B and C, return the nearest words in terms of semantic distance and their similarity list, under the condition of (A - B + C).
List<ScoreLabelPair> result = fastText.analogies("国王","皇后","男",5);
$ ./fasttext supervised
Empty input or output path.
The following arguments are mandatory:
-input training file path
-output output file path
The following arguments are optional:
-verbose verbosity level [2]
The following arguments for the dictionary are optional:
-minCount minimal number of word occurrences [1]
-minCountLabel minimal number of label occurrences [0]
-wordNgrams max length of word ngram [1]
-bucket number of buckets [2000000]
-minn min length of char ngram [0]
-maxn max length of char ngram [0]
-t sampling threshold [0.0001]
-label labels prefix [__label__]
The following arguments for training are optional:
-lr learning rate [0.1]
-lrUpdateRate change the rate of updates for the learning rate [100]
-dim size of word vectors [100]
-ws size of the context window [5]
-epoch number of epochs [5]
-neg number of negatives sampled [5]
-loss loss function {ns, hs, softmax} [softmax]
-thread number of threads [12]
-pretrainedVectors pretrained word vectors for supervised learning []
-saveOutput whether output params should be saved [0]
The following arguments for quantization are optional:
-cutoff number of words and ngrams to retain [0]
-retrain finetune embeddings if a cutoff is applied [0]
-qnorm quantizing the norm separately [0]
-qout quantizing the classifier [0]
-dsub size of each sub-vector [2]
Defaults may vary by mode. (Word-representation modes skipgram
and cbow
use a default -minCount
of 5.)
- Recent state-of-the-art English word vectors.
- Word vectors for 157 languages trained on Wikipedia and Crawl.
- Models for language identification and various supervised tasks.