M4's various development task -- music, typing, dictionary, primes, Linux kernel, etc.
You probably want the "music" directory for music from ancient times ... with a few updated new things.
music - Marshall's music stuff.
/b - Text sources for various Beethoven music.
/b/01 - Text for Beethoven's 1st symphony.
/b/02 - Text for Beethoven's 2nd symphony.
/b/06 - Text for Beethoven's 6th symphony.
/t - Text sources for various Tchaikovsky pieces.
/t/e - Text source for the 1812 overture.
/musicomp2abc - Source for m4's python script to convert music text into various formats.
/ims - Debugging/adding stuff to musicomp2abc that isn't working yet.
/abcm2ps - Changes to the abcm2ps program.
/DIFF.fluidsynth.git.m4.2022-06-03_15-50-48 - Changes to fluidsynth.
EFI.cleanup - has scripts for cleaning up the EFI variables so that booting from the right device
works. Good for redundant booting with multiple disks for the MS DOS EFI file system.
Makefile-latest-warnings - Turn on all kinds of GCC warnings! My choices.
WORDS - Contains a list of english words, with several added from many sources. (All free.)
debugs - An old program for learning to touch type using the above word list.
m4test - A old program that automatically fills in words typed when their uniqueness is known.
jgraph - is an old program for taking text input and creating all kinds of complicated graphs.
kernel - has some patches to things.
m4-clfs - old scripts used for 'linuxfromscratch.org'.
misc - marshall's various programs for doing things. I miss gzipelf format executables.
root - program to run a program (arguments) as the root user. (sudo ... kind of ...)
taskset,simulate.txz - scripts for testing that various CPUs are really working on Linux. [Two bad found!]
testing - programs for testing little things that I can never remember... .