Generate one or more logical circuits for BitVM Bitcoin from a C like source code
// simple test program
int8 main(int8 a, int8 b)
int8 local_a_and_b = a & b;
return local_a_and_b;
Generate the circuit(s) with :
bitvmcompiler.exe source.bvc export.txt
Output :
16 16
16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
8 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
1 16 1 0 8 NAND
1 17 1 16 16 NAND
1 18 1 1 9 NAND
1 19 1 18 18 NAND
1 20 1 2 10 NAND
1 21 1 20 20 NAND
1 22 1 3 11 NAND
1 23 1 22 22 NAND
1 24 1 4 12 NAND
1 25 1 24 24 NAND
1 26 1 5 13 NAND
1 27 1 26 26 NAND
1 28 1 6 14 NAND
1 29 1 28 28 NAND
1 30 1 7 15 NAND
1 31 1 30 30 NAND
The circuit can be tested with -run ex:
bitvmcompiler.exe test_int8.bvc -run a=0x73,b=0x5F
Output :
Running with : a=0x73,b=0x5F
Simulation result : 0x53
Tested and build with Visual Studio 2022
Bits are in low endian (x86 format)
- function call ... in progress...
- #include support ... in progress...
- set a limit to the number of gates
- operators : * / %
- basic function stdlib (sha256, shnor, min, max,... )
- write a better language documentation
- linux : create a makefile
- wasm support and browser demo site
- check for unused inputs instead of a "no more gates" error
- optimize the generated circuit (use less gates)
- better syntax error messages
- += operator
- save the build circuit in a file, and load it for execution / generation