Telegram automated Data Science Bot (@SvDataScience_Bot)
Telegram bot can get you all latest and trending articles related Data Science, Machine learning and Data Visualization
Bot now updated to new version. With New User Experience
You will have 4 commands:
In the Latest command basically to get latest articles.
First it will show you the options to select the category from below
- Data Science
- Machine Learning
- Data Visualization
- Artificial Intelligence
After selecting the Category you will get the Latest News with respective to the Category
The trend command show all trending articles.
This command also same options just like latest command
Data Science
Machine Learning
Data Visualization
Artificial Intelligence
After selecting the Category you will get the Trending News with respective to the Category
This command show about the Developer details
This command will help you if you lost somewhere. This shows you, what Bot can do for you.
- Python
- Telegram API
- PyTelegramApiBOT lib
- Webscraping