Scientist/Engineer interested in FEA, Product Design, & Computational Science. Current - @Sabic , Previous - @Samsung @generalmotors
- Bangalore
- 12h behind - http://m2n037.github.io/
awesome-mecheng Public
Awesome Mechanical Engineering Resources
AwesomeHardware Public
Forked from hardwaremafia/AwesomeHardwarean awesome list of resources for building Hardware products.
MIT License UpdatedNov 1, 2023 -
CV-m2n037 Public
This is my online CV written as a Github README file and published online here
jemdoc Public
Forked from jem/jemdocLight text markup for creating websites
demlabs.github.io Public
Forked from demlabs/demlabs.github.ioWebsite for DEM Labs hosted in Github