In this project, you'll build a fully-functional link-sharing app for developers!
What did you learn while building this project? What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
- Clone the web-application in your local.
- Perform the create & read operation for a user.
- Push the changes to your github.
- Share the link of the github repo.
- Create User - POST request for creating the user along with the required information shown in image1.jpg & image2.jpg.
- Preview User - GET request for fetching the user information from the backend as shown in image3.jpg.
- Cross Platform - Make the web-application responsive for multiple platform like laptop, tablet, phone.
Tip - Please feel free to use Docker images wherever required & dockerize the frontend & backend services if you feel any necessity for it.
Client: React | Angular, Redux, Material UI, TailwindCSS, etc.
Server: Node, Express, Typescript
Database: PostgreSQL | Mongo
POST /api/v1/saveUser
GET /api/v1/user
To clone this task repository run
git clone <link>
Answer 1 - Absolutely not, Please submit your task/ assignment, we care more about the actual implementation of the task rather than completion.
Question 2 - Do I need to clone the web-application using the exact matching color options as well as the text-size and other UI-elements?
Answer 2 - Nope, we care more about the functional knowledge than the actual visible clone of the application.
Question 3 - If the UI task is taking more time should I implement the CRUD flow and the required UI for the CRUD, will that be acceptable?
Answer 3 - Yes, It will be acceptable.
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