Example app showing off the current parts of LPKit. Uses a Aristo-like theme for the custom controls, see cappuccino docs on how to compile & use themes.
First run
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule sync
$ git submodule update
so LPKit
is cloned as a submodule. Then, go into its directory, and run
$ jake symlink-narwhal
or run it where your copy of LPKit
is. The copy on which you run jake symlink-narwhal
would be used as the implicit copy when you build LPAristo
After having a copy of LPKit
registered, go inside LPAristo
, and run jake
Finally, go outside of the directory and run
$ capp gen <LPKit Examples Directory Name> -f --force
so you incarnate Cappuccino into the app. Now everything should run smoothly.
Everything, except the LPAristo
theme, is released under the MIT license. For more information regarding the license, view the LICENSE file.
uses parts of the Aristo theme by 280 North and Sofa.
is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License.