This is an unofficial implementation of the Permify authorization service to be used in Asp.NET Core applications
This package is available as a NuGet package and can be added to your project through the command
dotnet add package Permify.AspNetCore
// Program.cs
using Permify.AspNetCore.Extensions;
builder.Services.AddPermify(opts =>
opts.Host = "http://localhost:3478";
// From now on, the IPermifyAuthorizationService singleton is available for DI
// MyController.cs
public Task<ActionResult> GetData()
bool isUserAllowed = await _authorizationService.Can
// Extract from the HTTP request
new Subject("1", "user"),
// Depending on the action this request is representing
// Extracted from request parameters
new Entity("10", "datarepo")
if (!isUserAllowed)
return await Task.FromResult(Forbid());
// User is allowed...
This project has been built with the following tools:
: .NET Core SDK (v6.0.302) (installation instructions)buf
: the protobuf management tool (v1.11.0) (installation instructions)
Once all the tools have been installed, clone the repository, generate the protobuf files following the .proto
files specifications and build the project
git clone
cd Permify.AspNetCore/src/Permify.AspNetCore/Protos
buf generate --include-imports
cd ..
dotnet build