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This package provides a list of well known Combinators.

A combinator is a higher-order function that uses only function application and earlier defined combinators to define a result from its arguments. It was introduced in 1920 by Moses Schönfinkel and Haskell Curry, and has more recently been used in computer science as a theoretical model of computation and also as a basis for the design of functional programming languages. Combinators which were introduced by Schönfinkel in 1920 with the idea of providing an analogous way to build up functions - and to remove any mention of variables - particularly in predicate logic.


  • PHP >= 8


composer require loophp/combinator

Available combinators

Name Alias Composition Composition using S and K Haskell Lambda calculus Term definition (JS like) Type # Arguments
A Apply SK(SK)
$ λab.ab a => b => a(b) (a -> b) -> a -> b 2
B Bluebird S(KS)K
. λabc.a(bc) a => b => c => a(b(c)) (a -> b) -> (c -> a) -> c -> b 3
Blackbird Blackbird BBB
... λabcd.a(bcd) a => b => c => => d => a(b(c)(d)) (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> d 4
C Cardinal S(BBS)(KK)
flip λabc.acb a => b => c => a(c)(b) (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c 3
D Dove BB
λabcd.ab(cd) a => b => c => d => a(b)(c(d)) (a -> c -> d) -> a -> (b -> c) -> b -> d 4
E Eagle B(BBB)
λabcde.ab(cde) a => b => c => d => e => a(b)(c(d)(e)) (a -> d -> e) -> a -> (b -> c -> d) -> b -> c -> e 5
λ a => b => c => c(b)(a) a -> b -> (b -> a -> c) -> c 3
G Goldfinch BBC
λ a => b => c => d => a(d)(b(c)) (a -> b -> c) -> (d -> b) -> d -> a -> c 4
H Hummingbird BW(BC)
λabc.abcb a => b => c => a(b)(c)(b) (a -> b -> a -> c) -> a -> b -> c 3
I Idiot SKK
id λa.a a => a a -> a 1
J Jay B(BC)(W(BC(E)))
λabcd.ab(adc) a => b => c => d => a(b)(a(d)(c)) (a -> b -> b) -> a -> b -> a -> b 4
K Kestrel K
const λab.a a => b => a a -> b -> a 2
Ki Kite KI
λab.b a => b => b a -> b -> b 2
L Lark CBM
λab.a(bb) a => b => a(b(b)) 2
M Mockingbird SII
λa.aa a => a(a) 1
O Owl SI
λab.b(ab) a => b => b(a(b)) ((a -> b) -> a) -> (a -> b) -> b 2
Omega Ω MM
λa.(aa)(aa) a => (a(a))(a(a)) 1
Phoenix λabcd.a(bd)(cd) a => b => c => d => a(b(d))(c(d)) (a -> b -> c) -> (d -> a) -> (d -> b) -> d -> c 4
Psi on λabcd.a(bc)(bd) a => b => c => d => a(b(c))(b(d)) (a -> a -> b) -> (c -> a) -> c -> c -> b 4
Q Queer CB
(##) λabc.b(ac) a => b => c => b(a(c)) (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c 3
R Robin BBT
λabc.bca a => b => c => b(c)(a) a -> (b -> a -> c) -> b -> c 3
S Starling S
<*> λ a => b => c => a(c)(b(c)) (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c 3
S_ <*> λabc.a(bc)c a => b => c => a(b(c))(c) (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a) -> b -> c 3
S2 <*> λabcd.a((bd)(cd)) a => b => c => d => a(b(d))(c(d)) (b -> c -> d) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> a -> d 4
T Thrush CI
(&) λ a => b => b(a) a -> (a -> b) -> b 2
U Turing LO
λab.b(aab) a => b => b(a(a)(b)) 2
V Vireo BCT
λ a => b => c => c(a)(b) a -> b -> (a -> b -> c) -> c 3
W Warbler C(BMR)
λ a => b => a(b)(b) (a -> a -> b) -> a -> b 2
Y Y-Fixed point λa.(λb(a(bb))(λb(a(bb)))) a => (b => b(b))(b => a(c => b(b)(c))) 1
Z Z-Fixed point λa.M(λb(a(Mb))) 1


Simple combinators



include 'vendor/autoload.php';

use loophp\combinator\Combinators;

// Lambda calculus: I combinator correspond to λa.a
Combinators::I()('a'); // a

// Lambda calculus: K combinator correspond to λa.λb.a (or λab.a)
Combinators::K()('a')('b'); // a

// Lambda calculus: C combinator correspond to λf(λa(λb(fba)))
// and thus: C K a b = b
Combinators::C()(Combinators::K())('a')('b'); // b

// Lambda calculus: Ki combinator correspond to λa.λb.b (or λab.b)
Combinators::Ki()('a')('b'); // b

Y combinator



namespace Test;

include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Closure;
use loophp\combinator\Combinators;

// Example 1
$factorialGenerator = static fn (Closure $fact): Closure =>
static fn (int $n): int  => (0 === $n) ? 1 : ($n * $fact($n - 1));

$factorial = Combinators::Y()($factorialGenerator);

var_dump($factorial(6)); // 720

// Example 2
$fibonacciGenerator = static fn (Closure $fibo): Closure =>
static fn (int $number): int => (1 >= $number) ? $number : $fibo($number - 1) + $fibo($number - 2);

$fibonacci = Combinators::Y()($fibonacciGenerator);

var_dump($fibonacci(10)); // 55

More on the wikipedia page.

Suggested reading and resources


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See for a changelog based on git commits.

For more detailed changelogs, please check the release changelogs.