#Usage Drag the folder BlockIspector to your project.
id cap1 = @"hello world!";
id cap2 = @[@"arr1", @"arr2"];
id obj = @"not captured";
__weak id obj2 = @"not captured 2";
__block int i = 3;
__block id block_id = @"block id";
void (^blk)(void) = ^{
id b1 = cap1;
id b2 = cap2;
id b3 = obj2;
i = 4;
block_id = @"s";
[BlockInspector inspectBlock:blk];
2016-02-27 17:22:51.069 BlockInspectorTest[10158:390353] all capture objects : (
"hello world!",
"block id"
#Block internal block reference
#Thanks fishhook: A library that enables dynamically rebinding symbols in Mach-O binaries running on iOS