Sorry everyone, but I will not continue this project any further. I am using one of the available Tox clients with audio and video support and since I do not need the Pidgin tox plugin myself I won't spend any time on it.
I'll leave this repo around in case someone wants to fork and continue, but I disabled issues and basically I won't be taking care of this code any more.
- Moved to
sudo apt-get install libsodium-dev libtoxcore-toktok-dev
git clone
cd tox-prpl
# create temporary directory
mkdir -pv tmp
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=./tmp/
make install
cp -v ./tmp/lib/purple-2/ ~/.purple/plugins/
# install pixmaps
sudo cp -rv ./tmp/share/pixmaps/pidgin/protocols/* \
Run Pidgin and create account. If you already hava an account, created with
other Tox messanger, then you need to replace tox-file