WARNING: The RGBA API has slightly changed (due to #3294). It is not based on implicit conversions anymore.
- Add method SpatialIndex#pointsInExtentAsIterable #3349
- Spark 3 & Hadoop 3 Support #3218
- Scala 2.13 cross compilation #2893
- Deprecate method SpatialIndex#traversePointsInExtent #3349
- GDALRasterSource gives segmentation fault when reading rasters with NBITS=1 #3300
- Make JTSConfig load lazy #3369
- GDALWarpOptions incorrect rpc flag #3370
- S3LayerDeleter cannot handle over 1000 objects to delete #3371
- Drop Scala 2.11 cross compilation #3259
- Fix MosaicRasterSource.tileToLayout behavior #3338
- Replace geowave subproject with GeoTrellis/GeoWave data adapter #3364