nKey Mobile Solutions
- Brasil
- http://lkraider.eipper.com.br
bible-verse-counts-per-chapter Public
Forked from bkuhl/bible-verse-counts-per-chapterFile containing the books of the bible, their chapters and the number of verses in each chapter
PHP UpdatedAug 6, 2024 -
DocSendDownloader Public
Forked from mdesilva/DocSendDownloaderA chrome extension to download DocSend slides
JavaScript UpdatedOct 5, 2022 -
Rocket.Chat.Integrations Public
Forked from RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.IntegrationsRocket.Chat Integrations
JavaScript UpdatedMar 10, 2022 -
mo_installer Public
Forked from s-ball/mo_installerHelp to install gettext mo file in a setuptools package
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 23, 2021 -
SystemNightmare Public
Forked from GossiTheDog/SystemNightmareGives you instant SYSTEM command prompt on all supported and legacy versions of Windows
Batchfile UpdatedAug 11, 2021 -
saml2aws Public
Forked from Versent/saml2awsCLI tool which enables you to login and retrieve AWS temporary credentials using a SAML IDP
Go MIT License UpdatedAug 21, 2020 -
iban-generator Public
Generate the IBAN code for a bank account number
password-composer Public
Generates site specific passwords based on a single Master Password.
codecov-python Public
Forked from codecov/codecov-pythonPython report uploader for Codecov
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 4, 2017 -
easypasswords Public
Forked from palant/pfpManage your passwords easily and securely, via browser extension for Firefox, Chrome and Opera
JavaScript Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 6, 2017 -
json-sempai Public
Forked from kragniz/json-sempaiUse JSON files as if they are python modules
polipo Public
Forked from jech/polipoThe Polipo caching HTTP proxy
C MIT License UpdatedAug 12, 2015 -
bender Public
Forked from chadnielsen/benderSource code and support files associated with Bender.
python-snap7 Public
Forked from gijzelaerr/python-snap7A ctypes based python wrapper for snap7
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 3, 2014 -
github-backup-sh Public
Forked from ptrofimov/github-backup-shSimple shell script to backup all GitHub repos for specified user
Shell UpdatedJan 24, 2013 -
innounpy Public
A multiplatform unpacker for Inno Setup installers written in Python
Apiary.io Blueprint syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2
package_control_channel Public
Forked from wbond/package_control_channelThe default channel file for the Sublime Package Control package manager. Fork, add your repository and send a pull request.
UpdatedNov 23, 2012 -
cep Public
Forked from jbochi/cepBiblioteca em Python para consulta de CEPs via site dos correios
HexFiend Public
Forked from HexFiend/HexFiendA fast and clever hex editor for Mac OS X
Green-Apples Public
Forked from joaomoreno/Green-ApplesRepository for small applications / plugins for Mac OS X
redmine-stuff-to-do-plugin Public
Forked from edavis10/redmine-stuff-to-do-pluginSome fixes to the Stuff To Do plugin for Redmine.